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The Scripturally organized church.  every church should have as its goal to have Scripturally qualified elders (Tit. 1:5)  while a “Scripturally unorganized”

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1 the Scripturally organized church

2  every church should have as its goal to have Scripturally qualified elders (Tit. 1:5)  while a “Scripturally unorganized” church can still do much good, not as effective (Acts 6:1)  goals must be clearly defined and understood to be helpful  to this end, will first look at the Elder’s work, and then follow with the Elder’s qualifications

3  why can we not just choose good leaders?  authority – if God gave us a pattern of leadership (and He did), then we must abide by it (Heb. 8:5)  not just leaders – elders are spiritual stewards, entrusted with an immense spiritual task (Heb. 13:17), more than any business manager  unsound elders a burden – qualifications chosen to exclude all but the most capable (1 Tim. 5:16) ▪ note: those men unqualified can still be faithful, strong, mature Christians/husbands/fathers

4 1 Tim. 3:1-7  desires the office  blameless  husband of one wife  temperate  sober-minded  of good behavior  hospitable  able to teach  not given to wine  not quarrelsome  not covetous  rules household well  not a novice  good testimony outside

5 Tit. 1:5-9  desires the office  blameless  husband of one wife  self-controlled  sober-minded  not quick-tempered  hospitable  able to convict/exhort  not given to wine  not violent  not greedy for money  having faithful children  not a novice  good testimony outside  not self-willed  lover of what is good  just  holy

6  some things to note about the qualifications  only men may be elders (1 Tim. 2:11-12)  present tense – one may become disqualified  absolute & relative qualifications ▪ absolute – clear cut, e.g. “husband of one wife” ▪ relative – degrees of qualification, e.g. “hospitable”  context of qualifications ▪ marriage and family ▪ personal conduct ▪ church and community

7  who chooses and appoints elders?  a preacher? (Tit. 1:5)  the congregation? (cf. Acts 6:3)  the one under consideration? (1 Tim. 3:1)  while each plays a role, God is the one that chooses, by avenue of the qualifications  preacher usually presents criteria to brethren  congregation must judge the candidates  ones chosen must assent to the selection

8  can an elder be dismissed by the brethren?  yes, if they are determined to be disqualified (1 Tim. 5:19-20)  otherwise, as they are appointed by God, what right do we have to dismiss them (Heb. 13:17)  can a preacher be an elder?  ability to proclaim God’s word effectively is part of the elder’s qualification and work (Tit. 1:9-11)  while some are understandably wary of this, it has direct Scriptural support (1 Tim. 5:17-18)

9  lasting stability and confidence in a church comes from capable, qualified elders  as a church without elders, we should think about what each can do to achieve goal  young men: set goal to be qualified as elder  young women: set goal to help qualify husband  parents: raise children faithfully  all: study and pray for the day we might have those qualified and willing to become elders

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