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Summer Nicole Lawson US History 11/9/2015. Compelling Questions What was Recreation? What was life like during the Recreation period? Did Recreation change.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Nicole Lawson US History 11/9/2015. Compelling Questions What was Recreation? What was life like during the Recreation period? Did Recreation change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Nicole Lawson US History 11/9/2015

2 Compelling Questions What was Recreation? What was life like during the Recreation period? Did Recreation change the lives of people?

3 What was Recreation? Recreation was a form of entertainment. Mostly parks with entertainment sights. Families and friends gathered in an area near the ice rink, picnic area, bicycle area, boating areas and other. Recreation is still a great thing today! Recreation can bring families together.

4 What was life like during the Recreation period? Children played with simple toys in the 1900’s including the most famous rag doll of all, Raggedy Ann. Life was depressing and busy with never-ending work. Horses were important in their everyday lives. Work Conditions were poor.

5 Did Recreation change the lives of people? When Americans moved to cities, they developed new Urban lifestyles. Recreation became popular for everyone. YES! Recreation brought people together. Recreation gave workers the opportunity to spend quality time with families.

6 Recreation through Seasons

7 In the 1850’s, E. W. Bushell designed a skate with a steel blade to replace wooden skates. Most people couldn’t afford a boat. New York Central Park had a number of lakes where people could rent one and go for a row. Most of the people found sledding to be fun!

8 Americans

9 Questions What do you think your life would be like during the turn of the Century? How would you adapt to your surroundings? What form of Recreation would you have done back then? What is the difference with Recreation today then at the turn of the century?

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