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Be An Olympian Webquest

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1 Be An Olympian Webquest
Todd Scobell

2 Zodiac Sign Because I was born on May 21, my zodiac sign is Gemini. Gemini is the zodiac sign of mental brilliance and being able to think quickely. It is also a symbol of interest and curiosity. In Greek mythology, Gemini’s ruler was Mercury, who was a quick messenger that brought news to the Gods. This may be a reason why some born under the Gemini sign are always moving and wanting to gain more knowledge. Gemini’s are usually either good talkers or good writers. Those who are not gifted in talking or giving speeches may have a gift of writing or have an interest in foreign languages.

3 God Creation Powers Able to fly Able to destroy any city
Able to defeat any god Immortal God of destruction and war Name Necrid All other Gods will fear me Friends Ares – because he is the other God of war Threats Hades – because he is the God of the Underworld Zues – because he threatens my power

4 Mercury The planet Mercury was names after the God of commerce, thievery, and travel in Roman mythology. Mercury was a messenger of the Gods who carried information from God to God very quickely. The planet Mercury was named after this God because it moves so swiftly across the sky.

5 Poseidon Poseidon, in Roman mythology called Neptune, was the God of the sea and husband of Amphitrite. He was able to conjure horses at will. During the war with the Titans, Poseidon fought along side his brothers Zues and Hades. Poseidon used a trident, which is the symbol which he is remembered for. Poseidon was the protector of many cities, although he lost the contest for Athens to Athena.

6 English Word Origins Monotone – a single unvaried tone or sound, the prefix “mono” means “one” Biology – the scientific study of life, the root “bio” means “life” Anthropology – the study of humans, the “anthrop” root means “human” Chronology – the science of locating events in time, the root “chron” means “time” Democracy – ruled by the people, the root “dem” means “people” Hyperactive – to be overly active or cannot sit still, the prefix “hyper” means excessive Geography – the study of earth, the prefix “geo” means “earth” Microscope – instrument used to view objects that cannot be seen by the naked eye, the prefix “micro” means small Thermometer – device that measures temperature or heat, the prefix “thermo” means heat Pandemic – an infectious disease that spreads through human populations across a large region, the prefix “pan” means “all”

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