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SASG 1 Seasonal Adjustment Steering Group Item 2.2.2 Report from User Testing Group. Demetra+ compliance with users' requirements Presented by Dario Buono.

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Presentation on theme: "SASG 1 Seasonal Adjustment Steering Group Item 2.2.2 Report from User Testing Group. Demetra+ compliance with users' requirements Presented by Dario Buono."— Presentation transcript:

1 SASG 1 Seasonal Adjustment Steering Group Item 2.2.2 Report from User Testing Group. Demetra+ compliance with users' requirements Presented by Dario Buono Unit B1 – Quality Methodology and Research

2 SASG 2 Report from SAUG (1) Documentation about the works of the SAUG are available on the devoted page of the CROS portal user-group-saug user-group-saug Representative Members (35) of the SAUG are from NSIs (16), NCBs (4), ECB (1), OECD(1), ESTAT (13) 17 MS + TR +SW +international organizations 3 meetings in 2011 (Lux, Paris, Lisbon), and 2 in 2012 (Vilnius, Luxembourg) Estat reimbourses participants form NSIs In November 2011 the SASG renewed the mandate of the SAUG for a period of 2 year, till December 2013

3 SASG 3 Report from SAUG (2) Following the last meeting held in Vilnius in February 2012, the SAUG agreed on a detailed to-do-list Hereafter a monitoring of the progress per each identified task

4 SASG 4 Report from SAUG (3), to-do-list What?Who?When?Status To review the list of all the user- requirements agreed in 2010 and to evaluate whether or not the requirements are met in JDemetra+ Alpay Kocak, Dario Buono (list), At the next SASG meeting on the 25/04/2012 Done Spread info on the progress of the group and promote knowledge of the software. SAUG2012-2013.Ongoing Release a new version of ( version of) Demetra+ and JDEMETRA+ Jean PalateBy the end of February 2012. Done Include the option of multivariate benchmarking in J-Demetra and provide it with a graphical interface. (To be agreed also at the SASG) Jean PalateBy the end of October 2012. pending Request the SASG that the strong user requirement on including benchmarking methods in J-Demetra to be included. Dario Buono, Mark Boxall, Faiz Alsuhail At the next SASG meeting on the 25/04/2012 ongoing

5 SASG 5 Report from SAUG (4), to-do-list What?Who?When?Status Co-ordinate the work between the SAUG and the Ecotrim group. Dario Buono16th February.Done Give suggestions on how to save results in J-Demetra in a user-friendly way. Cristina Calizzani By the end of April 2012. Ongoing Give a proposal on how to make the CSV output more user-friendly. INE (Portugal)During the next meeting. Ongoing Provide users with the information they need to install J-Demetra. The information will be found at Cros-portal. Jean PalateSoon.Done Update the User ManualSylwia Grudkowska At the same time as the -version is released. Done

6 SASG 6 Report from SAUG (5), to-do-list What?Who?When?Status To comment the e-learning course and to provide the SAUG members with access to the course material. SAUG (comments), Sylwia Grudkowska (access) By the end of February 2012. Ongoing To decide, which quality measures (in X12) are to be added to J-Demetra. Jean Palate (proposal), SAUG (comments) By the end of April 2012. Ongoing To decide which quality measure are going to be added as default quality measures and which are going to be optional. SAUGAt next meeting of SAUG, 10/10/2012. Pending Comment Dario Buono's presentation on direct vs. indirect adjustment. SAUGBy the SA workshop on 06/03/2012. Done Provide background on calendar adjustment and the treatment of half- days. Jean Palate, Dominique Ladiray. By the end of April 2012. Pending

7 SASG 7 Demetra+ compliance with users‘ requirements To review the list of all the user-requirements agreed in 2010 and to evaluate whether or not the requirements are met in Demetra+ Requirements (92) are from stakeholders and the ESS guidelines on SA: –Main Properties –Regressors –Graphic –Analysis –Diagnostics –Import/Export –Other issues

8 SASG 8 Demetra+ compliance with users‘ requirements Assessment was done on both (released in March 2012, version 1.0.3 and Jdemetra+ released in April 2012 version 0.0.9) See separate excel table (special thanks to Alpay and Jean) Some Stats Total = 92Demetra+JDemetra+ Implemented5439 Partially implemented 512 To be implemented122 Not to be implemented 3219

9 SASG 9 Thank you!

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