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Literature Circles Mrs. K Prescott. What are they? -Small, temporary discussion groups of students who have chosen to read the same book. -Meet regularly.

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Presentation on theme: "Literature Circles Mrs. K Prescott. What are they? -Small, temporary discussion groups of students who have chosen to read the same book. -Meet regularly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature Circles Mrs. K Prescott

2 What are they? -Small, temporary discussion groups of students who have chosen to read the same book. -Meet regularly (Tuesdays and Fridays). -Take specific roles which change for each meeting. -When finished, students choose a way to present their book to the class.

3 Advantages Over Traditional Novel Approach… Students have some choice in what they read. Students are able to share ideas, impressions, and reflections in a less threatening, small group atmosphere. The novel is not dissected. The teacher plays a less dominant role.

4 Guidelines 1. One speaker at a time. Circulate around the group as each person presents their role. Discuss each response. 2.Take your turn at listening. 3.Stay on topic. 4.Share your ideas – respect those ideas of others. 5.Be prepared with your reading and your role sheet - others are depending on you. 6.Alternate roles. 7.We will begin each class with Silent Reading and then you will meet with your groups. You MUST discuss for at least 30 minutes. After your discussion, you will assign roles for the next meeting and then silent read or begin filling out your role sheets for next time (it must not be used for relaxing and chatting). Groups not on task will lose marks.

5 Teacher’s Role Observer, listener (to make sure you are on topic and everyone is having a chance to share). Take anecdotal notes during observations. Students can be removed from a group if they are disruptive or a hazard to the group in any way. If groups are not on topic, a meeting day can be taken away.

6 Roles Discussion Director Literary Luminary Summarizer Investigator Connector Vocabulary Enricher Illustrator There must be a Discussion Director each time your group meets. Each group member must be the Discussion Director twice. All other roles may only be completed once by each group member.

7 Evaluation Binder – 15 pts Mid-Point Evaluation – 10 pts Self/Peer Evaluation – 30 pts Final Project – 35 pts Blogging – 10 pts Attendance Teacher’s anecdotal notes

8 Binder 15 points Attendance Sheets filled out correctly. Discussion Log filled out correctly. All role sheets are present, thorough, neat, show reflection and effort. Even if you are absent, your role sheet must still be completed and included in the binder. Organization – everything is in the correct order Neatness All group members receive the same binder mark, so if you do not complete your role sheet thoroughly and completely, your whole group loses marks.

9 Mid-Point Evaluation 10 points After the forth group meeting, you will be provided with a mid- point evaluation to complete. 5 + 1 Questions Marks will come from thoroughness, reflection, sentence format, mechanics, and neatness.

10 Peer and Self Evaluations 30 points At the end of the Literature Circle Process, you will be required to complete a thorough evaluation on each group member, including yourself. All of these evaluations are to be completed at home and are confidential. Categories evaluated: Attendance, Preparation, Participation. You will also be marked on how honest you were. Because I will have notes from my observations, I will know if you are being ‘extra kind’ or ‘extra nasty’ and if I feel as though your evaluations are not a true reflection, you will lose marks. You will also be marked on the thoroughness of your evaluations, the effort and reflection you put into them, and neatness.

11 Final Project 35 points After you have met in your Literature Circle groups a few times, I will distribute the final project list. You may choose to complete a project with your group as a whole, or an individual project. Projects will be presented in class.

12 Blogging 10 points Blogging will be done by the week. Each group member is responsible for developing one blogging discussion question. Each group member, including the question developer, must contribute to each blogging conversation TWICE each week. Marks will come from the amount of reflection and effort you put into your developed question and each of your responses. Questions must be posted by midnight Monday night – be sure this is done, your group is depending on you. All responses must be posted by midnight Sunday night. Posts after Sunday will not be counted.

13 Blogging Instructions 1.Go to 2.Sign in – using your name and password I have provided you. 3.Click on mrskprescottlitcircles. 4.Find your class and your book. 5.Click ‘Edit This Page’ at the top of your book’s page. 6.Click under the week you are working on and where you need to begin typing. 7.You must begin each post with your last name and first initial. 8.You should use the same COLOUR of print EACH time you post. 9.See example on the wikispace for expectations.

14 Let’s Read!!!


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