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1.Solve 29=15x (Improper fraction) 2. Solve 15. 7= -9/11 + x (Mixed fraction) 3. Evaluate, then solve when y = -12. 2x-3y= 36 4. Solve - 4x + x = -15 5.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Solve 29=15x (Improper fraction) 2. Solve 15. 7= -9/11 + x (Mixed fraction) 3. Evaluate, then solve when y = -12. 2x-3y= 36 4. Solve - 4x + x = -15 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Solve 29=15x (Improper fraction) 2. Solve 15. 7= -9/11 + x (Mixed fraction) 3. Evaluate, then solve when y = -12. 2x-3y= 36 4. Solve - 4x + x = -15 5. Find the perimeter of a rectangle with side length 12 cm and a width of 5 cm.

2 1.Solve 29=15x (Improper fraction) 2. Solve 15. 7= -9/11 + x (Mixed fraction) 3. Evaluate, then solve when y = -12. 2x-3y= 36 4. Solve - 4x + x = -15 5. Find the perimeter of a rectangle with side length 12 cm and a width of 5 cm.

3 Objective: SWBAT apply their knowledge of solving one step equations when given application problems.

4 New Section in Table of Contents: Notes DateTopic(s) Page # 10/_ /11 APPLYING my knowledge of one step equations Write what page are you on?

5 Evaluating, then solving… Need an Introduction: Example 1a: Board. Given the value of y = -2, find the value of x in the equation: x-4y=21 Example 1A. (All You!) Given the value of y = -4, find the value of x in the equation: x-4y=21 Ready to go: Example 1B: Given the value of y = -2/11, find the value of x in the equation: x-4y=21 Already on the move: Example 1C: Given the value of y=, find the value of x in the equation:

6 Partner Practice Building my confidence ! Almost Confident: Ready for a Challenge: Choose a category and practice the problems on the slide with the title you have chosen

7 Building my confidence… 1.Given the value of y= - 3, solve for the value of x in the equation: x + 4y = -31 2. Given the value of y= - 5, solve for the value of x in the equation: x - 2y = -50 3. Given the value of y= - 3, solve for the value of x in the equation: x + 8y = -31 EXAMPLES:

8 Almost Confident… 1.Given the value of y= - 3/11, solve for the value of x in the equation: x + 4y = -31 EXAMPLES: 2.Given the value of y=, solve for the value of x in the equation: x - 2y = -11

9 Ready for a challenge…  Given y = and z =, solve for x in the given equation: Example:

10 Combining like terms, then solving… Need an Introduction: Example 2a: Board. Given: 4x-x=30 Solve for x. Example 1A. (All You!) Given: 9x+x=30 Solve for x. Ready to go: Example 2B: Given: x – x =30 Solve for x. Already on the move: Example 2C: Given: Solve for x.

11 Partner Practice Building my confidence ! Almost Confident: Ready for a Challenge: Choose a category and practice the problems on the slide with the title you have chosen

12 Building my confidence… 1. Given: 10x – x = 90 Solve for x. 2. Given: 11x + x = 48 Solve for x. 3. Given: 75 =12x - 4x Solve for x. (Mixed) EXAMPLES:

13 Almost Confident… EXAMPLES: 1.Given: x – x = 90 Solve for x. 2. Given: x + x = 90 Solve for x.

14 Ready for a challenge… Example: 1.Given: Solve for x.

15 Apply our prior knowledge to perimeter… Need an Introduction: -Perimeter is the DISTANCE AROUND A FIGURE! Example 3A. (Us) Given the perimeter is 42 cm. Find the value of x. Ready to go: Example 3B: Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 42. Already on the move: Example 3C: Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 42. 3 cm 7 cm P= 7+3+7+3 =20 cm 3 cm x cm

16 Partner Practice Building my confidence ! Almost Confident: Ready for a Challenge: Choose a category and practice the problems on the slide with the title you have chosen

17 Building my confidence… EXAMPLES: 1. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 66 cm. 2. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 87 ft. 3. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 97 in.

18 Almost Confident… EXAMPLES: 1. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 97 in. 2. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 41 in.

19 Ready for a challenge… Example: 1. Solve for x, given that the perimeter is 41 in.

20 Writing equations to represent situations.. Need an Introduction: Example 4A: Kellie bought an ipod from the pawn shop for x dollars. Her uncle bought it from her for 3 times the amount she paid. Write an expression to represent this situation. Ready to go: Example 4B: Kellie bought an ipod from the pawn shop for x dollars. Her uncle bought it from her for 3 times the amount she paid. He bought it for $84.Write an equation to represent this situation. Already on the move: Example 4C: Kellie bought an ipod from the pawn shop for x dollars. Her uncle bought it from her for 3 times the amount she paid. Write and solve an equation that represents her profit of $56. (profit is the difference between purchase price and cost)

21 Writing equations to represent situations.. Building my confidence… A. Ms. O’s grandma bought 4 oranges and 5 apples. She spent a total of $3.85. Write an equation to represent the situation where x represents the number of oranges and y represents the number of apples. Almost confident… B. Ms. O’s grandma bought 4 oranges and 5 apples. She spent a total of $3.85. When leaving the store, you noticed that apples were 4 for $1. Write an equation to represent the situation and solve to find the cost of each orange and each apple. Ready for a challenge… C. Ms. O’s grandma bought 4 oranges and 5 apples. She spent a total of $3.85. When leaving the store, you noticed that apples were 3 for $1. Write an equation to represent the situation, then find what the total cost of buying one orange and one apple would be.

22 Applying our prior knowledge to Formulas!!! In terms of π vs. 3.14… Already on the move: Example 4C: Given the diameter of a sphere is 21/4 cm. Find the volume of a sphere in terms of π given the formula: Need an Introduction: Example 4A: Given the radius of a sphere is 14 cm. Find the volume of a sphere in terms of π given the formula: Ready to go: Example 4B: Given the diameter of a sphere is 22 cm. Find the volume of a sphere in terms of π given the formula:

23 Building my confidence… A. Given the radius (r) of a cylinder is 5 cm and the height (h) is 12 cm. Find the volume of cylinder in terms of π given the formula: Almost confident… B. Given the diameter (r) of a cylinder is 10 cm and the height (h) is 12 cm. Find the volume of cylinder in terms of π given the formula: Ready for a challenge… C. Given the diameter (r) of a cylinder is 10/15 cm and the height (h) is cm. Find the volume of cylinder in terms of π given the formula: Applying our prior knowledge to Formulas!!!

24 Homework is class work untill the bell rings Homework is class work untill the bell rings Date Assignment: summarize assignment name Due Date Page # COMPLETION STAMP 10/_ /11 DO NOT FORGET on LOOSE LEAF: -Title, Date, and Name on loose leaf paper ABOVE FIRST LINE -NEW Page NUMBERED

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