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Love Actually Watch the beginning of Love Actually... What types of relationships can you see?

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Presentation on theme: "Love Actually Watch the beginning of Love Actually... What types of relationships can you see?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Love Actually Watch the beginning of Love Actually... What types of relationships can you see?

2 Relationship What do we mean by the word ‘relationship’? Can we come up with a class definition?

3 What does the dictionary say? Relationship: Noun the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected: the study will assess the relationship between unemployment and political attitudes the state of being connected by blood or marriage: they can trace their relationship to a common ancestor the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other: the landlord-tenant relationshipshe was proud of her good relationship with the staff an emotional and sexual association between two people:she has a daughter from a previous relationship Oxford Dictionary

4 Modern Family Learning Objective: To explore family relationships and the qualities that make a family successful.

5 Healthy Relationships What makes a healthy relationship? Mind map what you think makes a healthy relationship...

6 Modern Family

7 Modern Family As you are watching, think about the following questions and make notes in your books: What are the healthy aspects in their relationships? What makes the relationships successful? Are there any unhealthy qualities? What advice would you give the characters regarding their relationships?

8 Final Thoughts What qualities make a healthy relationship? Why do we need these qualities?

9 Reasons why Cam might be the best Modern Family Character... He uses puns.

10 Reasons why Cam might be the best Modern Family Character... He likes to be a little dramatic when it comes to making big announcements.

11 You can just feel his excitement and enthusiasm. Reasons why Cam might be the best Modern Family Character...

12 His dance moves are excellent.

13 He speaks the truth about feelings. Reasons why Cam might be the best Modern Family Character...

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