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Willkommen! German AS. The Induction Task

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Presentation on theme: "Willkommen! German AS. The Induction Task"— Presentation transcript:

1 Willkommen! German AS

2 The Induction Task

3 MEDIA: television, advertising and communication technology. POPULAR CULTURE: cinema, music, fashion/trends HEALTHY LIVING/LIFESTYLE: sport /exercise, health/ well-being, holidays FAMILY/RELATIONSHIPS: relationships within the family, friendships, marriage/ partnerships

4 Unit 1: Listening, Reading and Writing Unit 2: Speaking Test 2 hours 70% of total AS marks, 35% of total A Level marks 35 minutes (including 20 minutes preparation time) 30% of total AS marks, 15% of total A Level marks You will answer a range of questions based on approximately 5 minutes of heard material and on a selection of written texts. You will also respond in writing to a question based on one of the AS topics from a choice of three. You will discuss a target-language stimulus card based on one of the AS topics and take part in a conversation covering three further AS topics.

5 Please watch Logo at least once over the course of the holidays. Note down the date and make notes in English on the content of the news that day. We will compare notes in September

6 2 Sarah Plymouth Bath Kingsbridge 9 Jahre Heidelberg Bill und Ben

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