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 Kingdom – Animalia  Phylum – Chordata  Class – Aves  Order – Anseriformes  Family – Anatidae  Genus – Cygnus  Species - Atratus.

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Presentation on theme: " Kingdom – Animalia  Phylum – Chordata  Class – Aves  Order – Anseriformes  Family – Anatidae  Genus – Cygnus  Species - Atratus."— Presentation transcript:


2  Kingdom – Animalia  Phylum – Chordata  Class – Aves  Order – Anseriformes  Family – Anatidae  Genus – Cygnus  Species - Atratus

3  Closely Related Waterfowl (Anatidae)  Ducks  Geese  Other Swans

4 Size Male – 15-19 Pounds Female – 11 Pounds Features Red Eyes, Red Bill Webbed Feet Wingspan 5 – 6 Feet across Plumage Black with white wingtips

5 Largest populations in New Zealand – (60,000) and Australia – (70,000). Small Population in Tazmania

6  Fresh or Brackish Water  Lakes  Rivers  Swamplands  Coastal Areas

7 The Black Swan is protected under the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974. It is evaluated as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Their population is stable at around 500,000 worldwide.

8  Mating System – Monogamous (one mate for life)  Become reproductive between 18 to 36 months  Hatch 5 to 6 eggs per “Clutch”  Baby Swans are called Cygnets

9  Mother stays with the eggs  Father protects the mother and nest  Cygnets can fly at 3 months and stay with parents for 6 months

10  Longevity Wild – 10 years Captivity – 30 years

11  Breeding Season – February through September  Nesting Season – April  Eggs Normally Laid – April through August

12  Cygnets eat aquatic insects and crustaceans (shrimp and crayfish) until 2-3 months old  Adults eat aquatic vegetation

13  Eggs and Cygnets:  Australian Ravens  Swamp Harriers  Hawks  Gulls  Water Rats  Adults:  Man

14  Protected in Australia  Hunted in New Zealand (Invasive Species)  Feathers used for decorative purposes

15  Swans are the largest flying bird  Can Fly 50 to 60 Miles an Hour  It takes a cygnet 24 hours to peck out of its egg  The Black Swan has the longest neck of any Swan  A female Swan is known as a Pen

16 “Cygnus Atratus”, Black Swan, Animal Diversity Web, copyright 2012, Regents of University of Michigan, “ Black Swan (Cygnus Atratus). “ Birds. N.p., 29 Apr. 2007. Web 24 Feb 2013, “Black Swan Cygnus Atratus.” Bird Zoo Damisela. Mariano Jimenez, 1 Feb 1999. Web. 24 Feb 2013. Http:// /indexe.htm Http:// /indexe.htm Johnson, Sybille F. “Black Swans. “ AvianWeb LLC, July 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. Http://

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