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“The attacks on supercomputers at [sites deleted] and other locations were closer to a skillful assault, but they were not actually successful. The attackers,

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Presentation on theme: "“The attacks on supercomputers at [sites deleted] and other locations were closer to a skillful assault, but they were not actually successful. The attackers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The attacks on supercomputers at [sites deleted] and other locations were closer to a skillful assault, but they were not actually successful. The attackers, instead of treading lightly, just kept abusing more accounts and taking over more systems, making it only a matter of time before their intrusions were discovered. The attackers were certainly persistent, returning even after being discovered. I am hopeful that one or more of the defenders will discuss their experiences with these intrusions in the Security edition of ;login:.” -Rik Farlow, USENIX ;login:, August 2004

2 Welcome !

3 Who Am I ? Tom Bettge Associate Director Scientific Computing Division National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado Background: Applications Software Engineer – Climate Modeling my mother’s maiden name is Hacker

4 “………………………….The attackers were certainly persistent, returning even after being discovered. I am hopeful that one or more of the defenders will discuss their experiences with these intrusions in the Security edition of ;login:.” -Rik Farlow, USENIX ;login:, August 2004

5 Program Committee Tom BettgeNational Center for Atmospheric Research RuthAnne BevierCalifornia Institute of Technology Ginger CaldwellNational Center for Atmospheric Research Walter DykasOak Ridge National Laboratory Victor HazlewoodSan Diego Supercomputer Center Chris HempelTexas Advanced Computer Center Jim MarstellerPittsburgh Supercomputer Center Marla MeehlNational Center for Atmospheric Research George StrawnNational Science Foundation Howard WalterNational Energy Research Scientific Computing Center John TownsNational Center for Supercomputing Applications

6 Who Are You ? Registered Participants:128 By Organizational/Agency: –University/NSF 79 –DOE 25 –Military 8 –NASA 8 –NOAA 3 –Other 5 By Duty/Position: –system/security administration50 –management40 –end user10

7 Breakout Sessions 1.User Policies/Education 2.System Administration Policies/Education 3.Network Based Intrusion Detection 4.Host Based Intrusion Detection 5.Grid Computing Challenges

8 Tom NCAR/Scientific Computing Division Bettge Cybersecurity Summit 2004 1 Breakout Session Assignment

9 Monday Evening: Meeting Rooms Dewey I / II Charleston I / II Farragut wireless will be available Contact Staff

10 Thanks to NCAR Staff Susan Cross Lynda Lester Janie Young


12 Cybersecurity Summit ? Concept of Summit – Spring 2004 Share information, discuss impact upon users, systems, etc. Best Practices Procedures for future incidents (communication, etc.) To include peer agencies Endorsed/Sponsored by National Science Foundation Expanded to broad community Expanded to include peer agencies Invitation Only !

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