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Cecilia Westström 1 New ways of publishing at Statistics Sweden – proposals Presentation at DWG in Lux May19-20, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Cecilia Westström 1 New ways of publishing at Statistics Sweden – proposals Presentation at DWG in Lux May19-20, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cecilia Westström 1 New ways of publishing at Statistics Sweden – proposals Presentation at DWG in Lux May19-20, 2009

2 2 Summary 1.Reduction of printed publishing 2.New ways to publish on the website 1.Discontinue series that are more or less transferred from printed medium 2.More resources behind publishing articles 3.More information on product pages (for example the CPI page) These are all proposals under development!

3 3 Reduction of printed publications Guidelines for what goes into the print: Resonable large volumes Marketing material (two magazines)  Five or six publications and one magazin will be printed  Printing on demand for internal users

4 4 Starting points Make better use of website potential Clearer definition of three levels for communicating results – Press releases – Articles and product pages – Database Possible to read both on website and paper Easy to use for customer (formats,…) 4

5 5 Proposal 1.More information on product pages and in the database (from existing statistical reports) 2.Discontinue with the traditional standard statistical report 3.”Statistics Sweden comments” Unify procedurs and publishing of articles and analytical texts Replace today’s different magazines, texts in standardised statistical reports 5

6 6 Statistics Sweden comments Collective entrance (start page) for all articles Articles from: Present statistical reports Present magazines Other possible sources Articles can be searched for by : Most recently published Most read By subject grouping By name of present magazines Subscribable 6

7 7 Standardised statistical reports Succesively discontinued up to 1 Januari 2011 The content will instead be published in the product pages: Reachable from different parts of the website (articles, database, documentation, … Provide printer-friendly formats 7

8 8 Magazines Published in article form (Statistics Sweden comments) Can be published continuesly (articles don’t have to ”wait for each other”) Articles from same old magazine, can be seen collectively Published in HTML format Provide printer-friendly formats 8

9 9 Yearbooks and paperbacks Yearbooks Same layout as other reports and publications Title: Subject area and year Statistical Yearbook is ”only true yearbook” Small paperbacks (”pocket books”) Examples in some subject areas, one major seller is ”Women and Men in Sweden” Possibly increase the numbers of these publications 9

10 10 Proposals disadvantages Slightly more difficult to reach all information about one reference period with a single move No printed flagship publication ready to show up 10

11 11 Proposals advantages Statistical results can be published more continously and quicker than today Exposure for published statistics improves Information can be selected and sorted more easily by subject or interest Easier to find relevant articles Expanded subscription service Publishing in HTML format allows easier reading from the screen and promotes more efficient use of data and text 11

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