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Transfer of Remains (FD & FSM Chapter 2). Factors to Consider 1) staff: number, training, license req’ts 2) equipment and accessories 3) infant transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Transfer of Remains (FD & FSM Chapter 2). Factors to Consider 1) staff: number, training, license req’ts 2) equipment and accessories 3) infant transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transfer of Remains (FD & FSM Chapter 2)

2 Factors to Consider 1) staff: number, training, license req’ts 2) equipment and accessories 3) infant transfer 4) personal appearance of staff 5) general transfer procedures - “be quick, be quiet, be clean” - document: identity, inventory

3 Transfer from Residence Arrival at Place of Death Transfer Procedures - baby monitors Counsel the family: permission to embalm - arrangement conference info. - GPL Concluding the Transfer

4 Transfer from an Institution

5 NJ Administrative Code 13:36-5.17 “No person shall remove human remains from any residence or institution without first securing authorization consenting to the removal from the next of kin or a person legally entitled to grant said authorization.”

6 PA Code 13.213 Means of Transportation “Transportation of the deceased by a funeral director or the director’s agent shall be only in or on a stretcher or container specifically designed for containment of human remains. A body shall be transported in a horizontal, face-up position and covered so that it is shielded from public view.”

7 Forensic Removal (page 281) cross-contamination removal process pre-determined policies trace evidence body bags news media attire and actions

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