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Image Annotation A presentation by Kelly Marie Blanchat.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Annotation A presentation by Kelly Marie Blanchat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Annotation A presentation by Kelly Marie Blanchat

2 What it Does Image annotation allows users to choose a section of an image to ‘highlight’ and associate with text. Think: Facebook & Flickr I am using it to translate hard-to-read text in letters, to help the user get the visual information from the scanned image, while also enabling content.

3 Who can use it Anyone! You can set up Image Annotation for just the administrator, give access to certain users, or everybody. Pros of Image Annotation: – INTUITIVE – Easy to use (intuitive!) – Makes you look like an expert web-designer Questions: Will it work with LIGHTBOX? We’ll see…

4 How To #1: Make sure there is a folder within your chosen theme called ‘ items’ – If not, simply create an ‘items’ folder before moving to step 2. – If you are undecided on your theme, simply copy the items folder into every theme so that you won’t have to back-track later.

5 How to #2: In WinSCP / Fetch / etc. follow the path of application  views  scripts  items Copy the "show.php" file found in and move it to the items folder that you just created.

6 How to #3: Choose the ‘edit’ option for ‘show.php’ Paste in the following function:

7 How to #4: Save, Save, Save – The file path should be: themename  items  show.php

8 Issues Don’t write too much! All the annotation text boxes are placed below the selected (‘highlighted’) area – if you select an area near the bottom of the image a scroll bar will pop up and make it impossible to read the text. I somehow lost my administrator view in Omeka. The Plug-in still works, it’s just annoying. (I probably tried to change something else in the ‘show.php’ file – don’t be a nerd and keep it how it is!


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