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General Surgery 1/14-1/20 Folahan Ayoola Rick Carter Keri Quinn Ashley Limkemann Vishal Patel.

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Presentation on theme: "General Surgery 1/14-1/20 Folahan Ayoola Rick Carter Keri Quinn Ashley Limkemann Vishal Patel."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Surgery 1/14-1/20 Folahan Ayoola Rick Carter Keri Quinn Ashley Limkemann Vishal Patel

2 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 1/16Akbari/OjoAnal condylomafulguration Akbari/Ojohemorrhoidshemorroidectomy Akbari/LimkemannAnal condylomafulguration Akbari/LimkemannAnal condylomafulguration Akbari/Ojo/LimkemannhemorrhoidsStapled hemorroidectomy Chikunguwo/QuinnIncisional herniaIncisional hernia repair Chikunguwo/QuinnUHLap UH repair Kellum/CarterIncisional herniaLap to open incisional hernia repair Maher/CarterRIHLap RIH repair, appendectomy Maher/AyoolaAbd pain Exploratory laparoscopy, reduction of internal hernia, repair of mesenteric defect 1/18Kellum/CarterGERD, failed NissenLap to open Nissen, splenectomy Akbari/CarterCrohns disease, strictureEx lap, LOA, SB resection

3 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 11/18Maher/AyoolaMorbid obesityLap GB 11/19Akbari/LimkemannRIH, UHHernia repair Akbari/QuinnIncisional herniaIncisional hernia repair Akbari/CarterSplenic cystsplenectomy Akbari/CarterUCIleostomy TD Maher/Carter Cecal volvulus, nonrotation with midgut volvulus Cecum, SB resection Chikunguwo/Patellipomaexcision Chikunguwo/PatelPilonidal cystexcision 11/20Maher/Carter Cecal volvulus, nonrotation with midgut volvulus Reexploration, ostomy Chikunguwo/PatelUHLap UH repair Chikunguwo/Limkeman n VHLap VH repair Chikunguwo/Carter/ Limkemann LIHLIH repair

4 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure ChikunguwohydrocephalusLap VP shunt

5 DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 1/17Kellum/CarterdeathGI bleed, s/p colectomy 11/18Kellum/Carter Splenic injury requiring splenectomy 11/18 Nissen, splenectomy 11/19Kellum/Carter Respiratory insufficiency, ICU transfer, intubation, hypotension 11/18 Nissen, splenectomy Complications


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