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Anesthetics By: Chasity Binkley May 6, 2009. What are Anesthetics???  A drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations.  Characterized by insensibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Anesthetics By: Chasity Binkley May 6, 2009. What are Anesthetics???  A drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations.  Characterized by insensibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anesthetics By: Chasity Binkley May 6, 2009

2 What are Anesthetics???  A drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations.  Characterized by insensibility.  A substance utilized by professional anesthesia providers to reduce the pain of a patient and/or to render that patient unconscious.

3 What are Anesthetics used for??  Anesthetics are used in operation to put people to sleep who need an operation of any kind.

4 Commonly prescribed Anesthetics  Xylocaine (Lidocaine)  Marcaine (Bupivicaine)  Novocain (Procaine)

5 Benefits and Risks  You don’t feel the pain during an operation!!  Age  Certain medical conditions:: heart, circulation, or nervous system issues may increase risk of complications.

6 Common Side Effects  High dosage can have toxic effects caused by being absorbed through the bloodstream into the rest of the body (systemic toxicity).  This could effect breathing,  heartbeat,  blood pressure,  and other body functions.

7 Interactions with other Meds and Herbal Preparations  Interaction with herbal products may increase surgical bleeding, heart and blood pressure effects, reaction to sedatives and changes in the body’s reaction to certain medications.  EPHEDRA Blood pressure changes; exaggerated response to high blood-pressure medications; risk of heart attack and stroke Feverfew Migraine, insomnia, anxiety and joint stiffness; risk of prolonged bleeding  GARLIC Blood pressure changes; risk of prolonged bleeding  GINGER Sedative effects; risk of bleeding, especially if taken with aspirin and ginkgo  GINSENG Insomnia and irritability; risk of cardiac effects  KAVA Sedative effects; potential liver toxicity; risk of additive effect to medications  St. JOHN'S WORT Sedation; blood pressure changes; risk of interaction with other medications that prolong effects of anesthesia

8 Proper Administration  Intradermal:: in the skin  Subcutaneous:: under the skin  Inhalation

9 5 Rights of Administration…(+1)  Right patient  Right time  Right dosage  Right drug  Right route of administration  A 6 th right…Right documentation

10 Sources       

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