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Brookville High School Freshmen Scheduling 2012-2013.

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1 Brookville High School Freshmen Scheduling 2012-2013

2 YOUNG SCHOLARS PROGRAM Young Scholars will learn powerful skills that can be used to achieve higher levels of personal and academic excellence Designed to recruit 8 th grade students whose parents have not completed a college degree For further information, contact Sinclair College at 512-5187

3 Brookville Community Scholarship Foundation Was organized in 1991 through the joint efforts of Brookville’s community, business leaders and Supporters of Academic Recognition A Board of Trustees representing a cross-section of the community oversees the foundation Was established to give Brookville students who hope to continue their education after high school the opportunity they deserve Donor and recipient alike benefit – Have awarded about 831 scholarships for a total value of over $1,237,950 during the first 18 years To build the endowment fund the Board of Trustees has set up two pledge programs: 1) Foundation Families(persons who pledge $100 a year for five years) 2) Foundation Business(buisinesses which commit pledges ranging from $100 to $1,000 a year for five years) Anyone interested in learning more about this may call Dale Creamer at 833-4771

4 Grade Level Requirements – Your First Two Years 9 th 10 th English IEnglish II Science Math Modern World HistoryMdn. Am. HistoryPE Health21 st Century Techn.

5 Physical Education Waiver Policy Current Law-Section 3313.603 ORC Maintains importance of healthy exercise Allows more room and flexibility in a student’s schedule Will fulfill minimum requirement of 120 hours

6 PE Waiver ( continued ) Open to any freshman participating in 2 seasons of interscholastic sports ( includes Marching Band and Cheerleading) This is not a credit replacement, instead it is a credit waiver If a student doesn’t successfully participate in at least one sport/activity by the end of their 9th grade year, they will be scheduled for P.E. their sophomore year Failure to complete a season in good standing will not allow the Student Activities Director/Band Instructor to sign off on participation P.E. Waivers may not be accepted in all Ohio school districts For more information on frequently asked questions go to the Ohio Department of Education’s website ( and type in Physical Education Waiver in the Search For: If interested fill out and return the Intent To Apply Credit Waiver with your scheduling paper to Mrs. Spangler

7 DOWN THE ROAD A required subject which is failed must be made up in summer school, correspondence or repeated. 22 Credits to graduate! The Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) March-Sophomore Year

8 Choosing Your Classes  Requirements  Abilities, interests, needs, chosen vocation  MVCTC? PSEO? 4-year college?  Note Prerequisites  Time constraints  Financial constraints

9 Freshman Electives French I Spanish I Art I Concert Choir Shades of Blue (Honor’s Choir/Audition Group) Band Marching Guard (1 semester) Marching Guard/Band Accounting I Business Management: Entrepreneurship (1 semester) Marketing: Consumer Awareness (1 semester) Wood Technology I Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Structural Engineering Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) required when taking any Ag. Education Classes Healthy Living/ Healthy and Safe Foods(full year) Child Development and Managing Transitions(full year) Social Networking and Multi Media

10 Freshman Electives continued If you are waiving your PE credit you may also take the following electives in addition to the ones listed on the previous slide 21 st Century Technolgy(semester) Healthy Living(semester) Healthy and Safe Foods(semester) Child Development(semester) Managing Transitions(semester )

11 MVCTC Requirements 2 Credits – English 2 Credits – Science 2 Credits – Math 2 Credits – Social Studies.5 Credit – Health.5 Credit – PE(waiver).5 Credit – 21 st Century Technology 1 Credit of Fine Arts

12 College Preparatory Requirements The Minimum Preferred4 units English 4 units Math 3 units Science 4 units Science 3 units Social Studies4 units Social Studies 2 units For. Language3 units For. Language1 unit Fine Arts

13 HONORS DIPLOMA Meet any 7 of following 8 criteria: A) 4 units of English B) 4 units of Math C) 4 units of Science D) 4 units of Social Studies E) 3 units of Foreign Language or 2 units each of 2 Foreign Languages F) 1 unit of Fine Arts G) overall GPA 3.5 on 4.0 scale up to last grading period of 12 th grade H) composite score of 27/ACT or 1210/ SAT

14 POST SECONDARY EDUCATION For more information on PSEO, please attend the upcoming meeting on Wednesday, March 6 th at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Anyone interested in doing PSEO next year MUST attend this important meeting.

15 Program of Studies Form - Freshman

16 IMPORTANT REMINDER!!! Purple Registration Forms Along with PE Waiver (only if Interested) Due To Miss Howard No Later Than Jan. 25th PARENT SIGNATURE REQUIRED STUDENT SIGNATURE REQUIRED

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