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Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Kevin Brace – HE Co-ordinator RSC West Midlands

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1 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Kevin Brace – HE Co-ordinator RSC West Midlands WWW.RSC-WM.AC.UK

2 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Why? Paper Mills JISC PAS Turnitin : What & How Citation tools Online resources/references Harvard referencing tools/guides LSC learning objects Contents

3 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources –The prevention, detection and punishment of plagiarism consumes a lot of energy in most higher education institutions. –However, it is perhaps worth starting by saying that good practice in dealing with plagiarism is also good practice in terms of learning, teaching and assessment more generally. –Setting the same assessment questions year after year, allowing for little individual input and resorting to unseen examinations are not conducive to real deep learning but, unfortunately, characterise many students' experiences. Ref: The rationale

4 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Paper mills The UK’s largest essay bank is providing students with an easy way to make money. The Company is offering cash in exchange of students' essays, term papers, courseworks and dissertations. Never before have students had an option to sell their papers for CASH and get it IMMEDIATELY. In addition to that, the whole process is really easy. The website asks you to fill in a simple form, select the payment plan and upload the papers you'd like to sell. It takes less than a minute! No hassle at all! The Company is obviously quite strict with quality and plagiarism: every paper is checked and plagiarised papers will be declined. But what else would you expect if they are paying CASH?! Ref: Paper Mills

5 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources JISC PAS The Plagiarism Advisory Service provides generic advice and guidance on all aspects of plagiarism prevention and detection to institutions, academics and students. Linked with Northumbria learning (linked to the University), a company who operate the central UK database that is used to check for plagiarism and collusion. This UK franchise is called Turnitin. National initiatives

6 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Turnitin: what is it? National initiatives A sample “originality report” looks like this >>> >>> See a online demo from the student perspective k/static_jisc/ac_uk_de mo.html Sheffield has a guide here >> here >>

7 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Turnitin Integration with VLE : one method of operation National initiatives Module1 Ass 01 Login + User ID I feel sick! linked 1.VLE linked to Turnitin 2.Tutor sets up assignment drop box parameters 3.Student logs in & uploads assignment / nothing else 4.Assignment gets checked by Turnitin & report generated 5.Tutor checks originality report VLE Turnitin VLE’s Fred 01 ass01 Fred 01 ass01 Fred 01 ass01 Fred 01 ass01 Fred 01 ass01

8 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Free checking tools: “googled”googled checking

9 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources How are institutions coping? Many pilot studies in operation (Solihull) Look at 4 examples 1.University of Northampton (VLE linked to Turnitin, pilot) 2.University of Birmingham (using Turnitin) 3.University of Keele (VLE linked to Turnitin, in place 1 year) 4.Harper Adams UC (used Turnitin for 2 years) All of the above examples have rigorous academic conduct procedures in place. The use of these new electronic tools compliment existing practice, blind marking/second marking, etc. Case studies

10 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources University of Northampton (VLE linked to Turnitin, pilot) Running a pilot on e-assessment linked to plagiarism detection / prevention. Students are now emailing or uploading electronic copies of the assignments to tutors to mark or uploading via the VLE straight into Turnitin. Currently there are a series of pilots running: 1.Staff print out assignments that have been uploaded to the VLE (only in the case of small cohorts) 2.The "printers" print out the cohort’s scripts & hand these to the lecturers for marking 3.The staff mark purely online (raises the question of blind marking issues!) It has been felt that Turnitin marking tools are superior to Bb, The SMT are keen to adopt online marking, in an effort to reduce printing costs - these costs are being factored into the pilot criteria! Interactive guide to referencing Case studies

11 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources University of Birmingham, in place 1.Each faculty has the option to use the Turnitin service as opposed to the normal drop in boxes in the VLE. 2.The normal method is to rely upon standard academic procedures 3.If plagiarism is suspected then the service can be utilised. 4.An online tutorial assists staff. 1.They also have a very good code of practice for students: Individual faculties publish their own guides on cheating and plagiarism Case studies

12 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources University of Keele (VLE linked to Turnitin, in place 1 year) 1.Keele operate a service on an opt in basis similar to B’ham 2.The VLE is linked to Turnitin. 3.Tutors can set up drop boxes that students upload to 4.Entire faculties are adopting the use as standard practice ( primarily humanities) 5.Turnitin tools very easy to use. 6.Turnitin is only use if standard procedures pick up a problem. Student guides to Plagiarism and scholarly writing Case studies

13 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Harper Adams UC, used Turnitin for 2 years Push by head of T&L / academic standards. Adopted a cross college strategy following requests from the student body concerned about the growing use of cut & paste from Goggled sources. Created a module on the VLE reflecting all the undergraduate & post grad modules delivered. Students only access their registered modules on the VLE The admin staff controlled the opening & closing of the drop boxes after receiving physical instructions from academic staff (staffing issues) We also helped test the system by uploading 20 X 20 Mb assignments simultaneously - worked fine. Drop box restricted upload to 20 Mb. Students were told about this formally via letters and academic staff. Now the students think the VLE is the plagiarism checking tool!! Report writing and Harvard guides here Case studies

14 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Document it: is a suite of tools for recording and managing citations MS Word plug-in >> DemoDemo Referencing

15 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Style Vault: is a free tool for recording and managing citations Coventry Uni’ CETL ( CAW centre for academic writing) View >> DemoDemo Referencing

16 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Harvard referencing resources (online): (top search box) Referencing_A_Brief_Guide/ Referencing_A_Brief_Guide/ Referencing

17 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Harvard referencing resources (Learning Skills Council): Tameside –Web quizWeb quiz –Drag & drop WordDrag & drop Word Weymouth –Word guideWord guide –5 web quizzes5 web quizzes The above resources we given away free in a LSC publication 2007: E-effective teaching. Transforming training through e-elearning –Available from –ISBN 1-84572-290-6 Referencing

18 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources Academic writing “Designing out plagiarism” resources 47 page document of current issues and resources Video case studies FE perspective : video Resources

19 Reviewing key anti-plagiarism resources JISC PAS case studies of using Turnitin HE in FE E%20Case%20Studiesreport.pdf E%20Case%20Studiesreport.pdf FE perspective : video SandraPeacock2.wmv Video available from here Resources

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