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E-Safety Challenge College. Learning Objectives Discuss the term plagiarism when using the Internet and it’s relevance to school work.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Safety Challenge College. Learning Objectives Discuss the term plagiarism when using the Internet and it’s relevance to school work."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Safety Challenge College

2 Learning Objectives Discuss the term plagiarism when using the Internet and it’s relevance to school work.

3 Definition Plagiarism: Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) definition: To take “someone else’s words, thoughts or ideas and try to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously.” AND Failing to acknowledge sources properly and/or the submission of another person’s work as if it was your own.

4 Why do pupils plagiarise? Genuine lack of understanding about what constitutes plagiarism Belief that their own work is inadequate Poor writing and study skills ◦ e.g. referencing, citations, quoting To get higher marks To save time and effort (lazy) Because everyone else does it Parental pressure?

5 Using the Internet to plagiarise Why? ◦ Easy to copy and paste ◦ Volume of information – harder to trace sources? ◦ Belief that web sources do not need to be referenced How? ◦ Essay banks ◦ Social networks, message boards ◦ Auction sites ◦ Bespoke writing and editing services

6 Anti-Plagiarism tools Although the Internet is huge source of information it is also the easiest for teachers to catch you out! The Internet makes it easier to detect plagiarism through the use of… ◦ Powerful search engines ◦ Specialist detection tools ◦ Some papers are published at multiple locations – increases chances of detection

7 Discussion You have been given a number of scenarios. Discuss whether these constitute plagiarism or not and what action you think your teacher/school would take

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