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CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 2006 EAI Architecture Elements of Style by Magdin Stoica McMaster University March 28, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 2006 EAI Architecture Elements of Style by Magdin Stoica McMaster University March 28, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 2006 EAI Architecture Elements of Style by Magdin Stoica McMaster University March 28, 2006

2 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20062 Outline What is Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)? Why do we need EAI? What are the elements of an EAI solution? What is the architecture of an EAI solution? Are there different ways to architect an EAI solution? Why do we need architecture styles? Defining an EAI architecture style How do we represent EAI architectures? How should we represent EAI architectures?

3 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20063 EAI Explained Enterprise automation islands Data and the EAI journey from liability to asset  Confidence  Availability  Control  Visibility  Analytical support  Scalability Connected enterprises and business to business integration (B2Bi)

4 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20064 EAI Solution – A layered approach Data Integration Business Process Automation Presentation Services Data availability Confidence Control Visibility Analytical support Scalability

5 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20065 EAI Software Architectures Point-to-Point Message Bus Hub and Spoke  Database Hub  ERP Hub  Message Broker  Process Broker Hybrid Architectures: Hub & Spoke with Message Bus Service Oriented EAI architecture

6 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20066 Point-to-Point Architecture Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal Payroll 1 connection3 connections6 connections10 connections Inventory Management CRM

7 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20067 Message Bus Architecture Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal Publish & Subscribe

8 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20068 Hub & Spoke Architecture Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal HUB

9 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 20069 Hub & Spoke Architecture – Database Hub Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal Database

10 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200610 Hub & Spoke Architecture – ERP Hub Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal ERP

11 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200611 Hub & Spoke Architecture – Message Broker Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal Message Broker

12 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200612 Hub & Spoke Architecture – Process Broker Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal Process Broker

13 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200613 An Inside Look at HUB

14 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200614 Hybrid Architecture – Hub with Message Bus HUB Payroll CRM Accounting Inventory Management Web Portal

15 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200615 EAI Architecture Style EAI architecture styles are hierarchical Components  End Point: Database End Point, Application End Point, Web End Point  HUB: Message Broker, Process Broker, ERP, Database  Document  Transaction Monitor Connectors  Call (Push)  Poll (Pull)  Notification (Indirect Call)  Message Queue  Message Bus Constraints  End-Points can only be connected with the hub (Hub & Spoke)  End-Points can only be connected with the message bus (Message Bus)

16 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200616 Documenting EAI Architecture Styles Documenting through UML  OMG standardized UML4EAI metamodel and the EAI UML profile  Regular UML tools can be used for designing EAI solutions  Does not support the notion of architecture styles  Does not support all components and connectors  Basic support for hierarchical styles  An enhanced MOF metamodel for EAI architecture styles  An enhanced UML profile for EAI architecture styles Documenting through ACME  Strong support for architecture styles and system families  Lack of tools and industry support  No specific EAI architecture styles defined  Define EAI architecture style in ACME

17 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200617 Summary EAI architectures are mature and exhibit clear elements of style EAI architecture styles make for a great case in hierarchical architecture styles EAI architecture styles are not formally defined EAI architectures can be described through UML tools using UML4EAI or… …in ADLs once EAI architecture styles are defined in ACME

18 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200618 REFERENCES 1. Devin Spackman, Mark Speaker, Enterprise Integration Solutions, Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0-7356- 2060-1 2. David S. Frankel, Model Driven Architecture: Applying MDA to Enterprise Computing, Wiley Publishing Inc., ISBN: 0-471-31920-1 3. S. Radhakrishnan, Integrating Enterprise Applications Backgrounder, /developer/asmo-na/eng/213532.htm /developer/asmo-na/eng/213532.htm 4. Paul Johannesson, Erik Perjons, Design Principles for Process Modelling in Enterprise Application Integration, Information Systems 26 (2001) 165-184, Elsevier Science Ltd. 5. Wolfgang Emmerich, Ernst Ellmer, Henry Fieglein, TIGRA – An Architectural Style for Enterprise Application Integration, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, July 2001 6. Francisca Losavio, Dinarle Ortega, Maria Pérez: Comparison of EAI Frameworks, Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, no. 4, May-June 2005, pp. 93-114 issue_2005_05/article1 7. Microsoft, MSDN, Patterns and Practices, Integration Topologies, url=/library /en- us/dnpag/html/implmessagebroker.asp url

19 CAS 747 - Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering, 200619 REFERENCES 8. OMG Group, UML Profile and Interchange Models for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Specification, March 2004, 9. OMG Group, Flow Composition Model Specification, February 2004, bin/doc?formal/2004-02-03 bin/doc?formal/2004-02-03 10. David Garlan, Mary Shaw, An Introduction to Software Architecture, CMU Software Engineering Institute Technical Report CMU/SEI-94-TR-21, ESC-TR-94-21. 11. David Garlan, Robert T. Monroe, David Wile, Acme: Architectural Descriptions of Component- Based Systems, Foundations of component-based systems, 2000, Cambridge University Press, pp. 47-67

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