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Baseline and Trend Data SLO: Section 4. Parking Lot Question What are some sources of information for student data? Where can you look to find current.

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Presentation on theme: "Baseline and Trend Data SLO: Section 4. Parking Lot Question What are some sources of information for student data? Where can you look to find current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseline and Trend Data SLO: Section 4

2 Parking Lot Question What are some sources of information for student data? Where can you look to find current and past information about your students? (Please initial your sticky note.)

3 Identify Need We need to collect baseline/trend evidence for the purpose of completing a draft of section IV of SLO/VAM.

4 Baseline Data ~is information about students’ level of performance at the start of the interval of instruction. ~generally the most recent data, but can include the prior year’s benchmark grades, end of the year state assessment, a pre-test, portfolio, etc. that measure the skills and pre-requisite knowledge needed for the course. ~is used to gauge student change toward important academic indicators during the academic year. *The key to measuring student learning is to select the appropriate sources of evidence. ~used to establish SLO targets

5 Trend Data ~ is a pattern of gradual change in condition ~ general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time ~ analysis (trend) is based on the idea that what happened in the past, will happen in the future

6 Questions to Ask 1. What data is available? 2. What are some strengths/weaknesses of the current cohort of students? 3. How many years make a trend? 4. What comparisons can be made between current cohort of students and past cohorts of students? New Learning

7 1. EOC, PASS, ACT Aspire, MAP, Past Grades, Teacher Recommendation 2. Tactile-Kinesthetic, English Scores, Strong Core Group, Reading Levels by Class 3. Three or more years, cycles, tests, etc. 4. Same as # 2

8 We will choose a station to collect our baseline and trend data. Station 1- ACT Aspire data wall Station 2- NWEA Site at you table Station 3- MAP resources provided Use the documents provided.

9 Ms. Paul’s SLO Section 4 Ms. Paul's SLO

10 Development Time We will begin a draft of section 4 of the SLO/VAM using data guided information documents.

11 Apply New Learning Teachers will share baseline/trend data with students and get feedback on their thoughts for improvement and growth. Teachers will bring back anecdotal notes.

12 Reflection In what ways have your stresses been alleviated/questions been answered as it pertains to section II, III, and IV of the SLO/VAM? (Please include your biggest concerns.) Do you have any other questions about sections II, III, and IV for me?

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