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STUDENT GROWTH & JOB RETENTION SB7 AND PERA. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jennifer Kowaczek (Committee Leader) Cyndee Fralick (ETA Board Member) Graciela AlbaveraSandy.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT GROWTH & JOB RETENTION SB7 AND PERA. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jennifer Kowaczek (Committee Leader) Cyndee Fralick (ETA Board Member) Graciela AlbaveraSandy."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jennifer Kowaczek (Committee Leader) Cyndee Fralick (ETA Board Member) Graciela AlbaveraSandy Kulikowski Jane BeschAudrey Leaver Kathy CebulskiTami Proberts Lillian FigueroaJeff Schultz Kathy JonesRyan Sims Lynne KuhnJennifer Williamson

3 PERA REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHER EVALUATIONS 2015 -2016 “Measureable change in a students’ learning between two or more points in time” Need data from at least 2 assessments: -At least 1 Type III Assessment -And at least 1 Type I or II assessment (NOT ISAT or PSAE) -OR 2 Type III assessments if no type 1 or Type 2 are available Must comprise at least 30% of final rating Can be as much as 50% of final rating

4 PERA ASSESSMENTS Type IType IIType III An assessment that measures a certain group of students in the same manner with the same potential assessment items, is scored by a non-district entity, and is widely administered beyond Illinois. An assessment developed or adopted and approved by the school district and used on a district-wide basis that is given by all teachers in a given grade or subject area. An assessment that is rigorous, aligned with the course’s curriculum, and that the evaluator and teacher determine measures student learning. Examples: Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) MAP tests, Scantron Performance Series Examples: Collaboratively developed common assessments, curriculum tests, assessments designed by textbook publishers Examples: Teacher- created assessments, assessments of student performance

5 STUDENT GROWTH & JOB RETENTION STATUTORY GROUPINGS FOR RIF Group I Unsatisfactory Group II Needs Improvement Group III Satisfactory/ Proficient Group IV Excellent/ Distinguished Dismissed at the discretion of the district. Any non- tenured teachers without summative evaluation rating. Grouped by performance averages. Lowest averages are first on list. Within averaged groups are RIF’d by inverse seniority. One group – no averages. RIF’d by inverse seniority.

6 NEXT STEPS  Meeting with district assessment office  Meeting with CEC  Taking a look at what other districts are doing, both within Illinois and other states

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