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Learning Objectives  ALL will understand advantages and disadvantages of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and will be able to complete a table with necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives  ALL will understand advantages and disadvantages of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and will be able to complete a table with necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives  ALL will understand advantages and disadvantages of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and will be able to complete a table with necessary detail  Through reading, discussion and answering questions individually and in pairs STARTER For HW you completed research on types of observations. Structured and unstructured. A)Discuss with a partner what you have found. B)Compare notes. Evaluating the Strange Situation 10 mins

2 Structured Observations unstructured Observations Uses ‘systems’ to organise observations Behavioural categories. Decide how to record the behaviour you are interested in. Sampling procedures. Who you are observing and when. The researcher records all relevant behaviour but has no system. The behaviour studied is largely unpredicatable Problem with this is too much to be recorded. Behaviours recorded will be most be visable not the most important ones.

3 Sampling procedures in structured observations. You have to be selective about the data you collect as if you watched someone continously it would take forever to write down. Event Sampling – Counting the number of times a certain behaviour occurs in an individual/s. Time Sampling – Set a timeframe to record behaviours. E.g every 30 seconds. Tick what you see.

4 Exam Question A Psychologist wishes to carry out a naturalistic observation on how aggressive toddlers are at a day care centre. Explain to the psychologist the benefits and drawbacks about this method (4 marks) Top your answer: I would tell the psychologist that a benefit of this method is…

5 I would tell the psychologist that a benefit of this method is participants will not show demand characteristics, I would tell the psychologist that a benefit of this method is high ecological validity, as people do not know they are being observed, meaning their behaviour will be natural as its set in a real environment, therefore the results can be generalised beyond the setting of the study.

6 Recap on Ainsworth Which attachment type matches the following types of behaviour Distressed at separation anxiety Avoids contact when reunited with caregiver Low stranger anxiety enthusiastic when reunited with caregiver indifferent to being separated from primary caregiver

7 AO2 Evaluation Points Ethical issues Validity of the research Reliability of the research Effects of attachment types Factors influencing attachment type

8 Working individually – answer the following questions 1)Describe the strange situation study by Ainsworth 2)Give two evaluation points of this research 3)Describe two possible outcomes which attachment type may predict for later life

9 Homework 1.Revise all developmental work covered so far 2.Outline and Evaluate research around types of attachment. (12M) 6 marks should be about types of Attachment and the steps of the Ainsworth experiment 6 marks should be describing evaluation points of this study. Due Monday 10 th November

10 Plenary – which are strengths, which are weaknesses? Adult romantic behaviour Inter rater reliability Validity Behaviour In later childhood Psychological harm

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