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PBIS/RtI LEADERSHIP TEAM. Membership Regular education staff Special education staff Guidance Counselor School psychologist School social worker Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS/RtI LEADERSHIP TEAM. Membership Regular education staff Special education staff Guidance Counselor School psychologist School social worker Administrator."— Presentation transcript:


2 Membership Regular education staff Special education staff Guidance Counselor School psychologist School social worker Administrator Parent Regular education staff Special education staff Guidance Counselor School psychologist School social worker Administrator Parent

3 Leadership Team Overview of Tasks 1.Establish Representative Membership 2.Obtain strong commitment from school personnel 3.Develop data-based decision-making process - Screening 4.Create three-tier schoolwide discipline plan - Tier One Universal Prevention 5.Create plan to sustain the system 6.Organize systematic ongoing professional development 7.Determine student involvement 8.Plan community involvement Overview of Tasks 1.Establish Representative Membership 2.Obtain strong commitment from school personnel 3.Develop data-based decision-making process - Screening 4.Create three-tier schoolwide discipline plan - Tier One Universal Prevention 5.Create plan to sustain the system 6.Organize systematic ongoing professional development 7.Determine student involvement 8.Plan community involvement

4 Self-Assessments for Schoolwide Discipline Practices Effective Behavior Support (EBS) Effective Behavior Support (EBS)

5 Building Capacity RTraining capacity RImplementation capacity REvaluation capacity RCoordination capacity RTraining capacity RImplementation capacity REvaluation capacity RCoordination capacity

6 Self-Assessment Activity Why does our school need to create a discipline system? What is the rationale from the perspectives of staff, students, & community members?

7 Potential Answers RState mandate : RUnacceptable rates of office referrals; RNumber of serious incidences of behavior that threaten safety; RHigh rates of lower level disruptive behavior; RComplaints from parents and community members; bad reputation for poor academic/problem behavior; RHigh rates of staff turnover; RNothing else to do; RRequests for transfers; RDesire to improve; REverything is perfect - keep it that way : ) ROther??? RState mandate : RUnacceptable rates of office referrals; RNumber of serious incidences of behavior that threaten safety; RHigh rates of lower level disruptive behavior; RComplaints from parents and community members; bad reputation for poor academic/problem behavior; RHigh rates of staff turnover; RNothing else to do; RRequests for transfers; RDesire to improve; REverything is perfect - keep it that way : ) ROther???

8 Establish Commitment 1.Staff 2. Administration 3.School Board * At this point it is communicating intent, updating on progress, soliciting feedback, and providing information. 1.Staff 2. Administration 3.School Board * At this point it is communicating intent, updating on progress, soliciting feedback, and providing information.

9 Tasks to Complete 1.Identify Membership of Leadership Team 1.Identify a chair or co-chairs 1.Schedule Meetings 1.Conduct self-assessment 1.Identify Membership of Leadership Team 1.Identify a chair or co-chairs 1.Schedule Meetings 1.Conduct self-assessment

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