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Running a marathon Fighting off ungodly influences in society Having a successful marriage America’s fight for independence.

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2 Running a marathon Fighting off ungodly influences in society Having a successful marriage America’s fight for independence

3 Why is perseverance needed to finish these endeavors? In your own words, how would you define perseverance? Why is perseverance necessary for the Christian life?

4 It takes perseverance to keep going when we face difficulty or opposition. Today we will see an example of how the early church persevered when opposition arose.

5 No Easy Road Acts 4:1-31 family theme: The church perseveres. family theme: The church perseveres.


7 Be Ready to Answer Those Who Oppose Us Acts 4:1-12, 18-20

8 The opposition faced by Peter and John reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare that sometimes results in opposition from people around us.

9 Be Ready to Answer Those Who Oppose Us Peter, empowered by the Holy Spirit, answered the questions of the religious rulers straightforwardly, giving credit to Jesus Christ for what had been accomplished.

10 Acts 4:12 points out that we cannot save ourselves. Salvation and forgiveness come only through faith in Jesus Christ.

11 When you face opposition, be prepared to honor and glorify the Savior with your response. How can we respectfully respond to someone who is antagonistic toward the gospel? Why is it important to share your personal story of salvation with someone who is not very receptive?

12 Don’t Let Your Confidence Waiver When Facing Opposition Acts 4:13-22

13 Don’t Let Your Confidence Waiver When Facing Opposition Although the disciples had no formal training they did possess one quality that set them apart from the others. Everything they spoke about came from first-hand experiences because, as the leaders understood, they had been with Jesus.

14 Peter and John’s experience shows us that we can be confident when facing opposition because Jesus Christ is the sovereign Lord of all.

15 Be secure in your faith and your experience with God. Then you will have confidence that does not waiver in the face of opposition. Why are confidence and boldness such important qualities during times of opposition? When have you displayed boldness for Christ?

16 Lean on God and Other Believers When Facing Opposition Acts 4:23-31

17 Lean on God and Other Believers When Facing Opposition As soon as the disciples were released from the authorities, they headed straight for their community group of fellow believers. They asked God to give them strength and boldness.

18 When facing opposition and resistance, seek the support and encouragement of other believers, and the resources of God through prayer. How does being closely connected to a group of believers help during moments of opposition? What role does prayer serve during times of opposition?

19 Pre-Conversion experience Conversion experience Post-Conversion experience

20 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

21 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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