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Reflective Writing. Main Requirements The essay will aim to interest or give pleasure, rather than simply convey information. It will concern itself with,

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Presentation on theme: "Reflective Writing. Main Requirements The essay will aim to interest or give pleasure, rather than simply convey information. It will concern itself with,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflective Writing

2 Main Requirements The essay will aim to interest or give pleasure, rather than simply convey information. It will concern itself with, usually, a single idea, insight or experience. Be thoughtful in tone and convey a sense of the writer’s personality, authorial voice & stance. Reveal the thought processes of the writer and engage the reader in the writer’s process of reflection

3 An Reflective essay is NOT simply an account of an experience. It must contain thoughtful reflection and be entertaining for the reader.

4 Summary Take a single personal experience, idea or insight as a starting point or stimulus Show writer’s interesting and/or entertaining thoughts on this central stimulus Develop thoughts and move out beyond immediate starting point to REFLECT in wider way on some aspect(s) of the experience, idea or insight. Something of writer’s personality will emerge from this process of reflection.

5 Process Pick an initial stimulus. Explore initial stimulus in an interesting and entertaining way. Move out and beyond initial stimulus to establish a thoughtful tone. Reveal aspects of the writer’s personality and thought processes.

6 Stimulus Personal experience – must have potential for development into thoughtful, reflective piece. Can’t be too trivial or slight – incidents rather than experiences Can’t be too complex, painful or confusing for you to articulate any kind of meaningful reflective comment.

7 Example Stimuli You return home from school one day to find your house has been burgled. You witness a particularly cruel bullying incident. You’ve been an only child for 15 years when a ‘late’ baby arrives in your family.

8 Hints and Tips This is still a type of expressive writing, so use all your creative writing techniques to make your writing vivid, descriptive and enjoyable for the reader. You can enhance/exaggerate your personal experience to make it more interesting or fit your purpose better. Be imaginative, clever and original in your reflection. Think about emotions, issues and circumstances that effect us everyday. Think about them in a new and interesting way.

9 True Reflection For a truly insightful and reflective piece, worthy of a good grade, you must use your reflective topic or experience to not only engage in private/personal reflection, but also try to broaden your reflection out to engage with: The Human Condition

10 All Reflective essays should focus on some aspect of this The main focus of reflection should ultimately make some sort of point about how we live – what makes us tick What is it? The human condition is about how we live our lives and how human nature works It can be concerned with positive or negative aspects – how we behave, obstacles or challenges we encounter, how we react You should try to explore it in a unique and new way

11 Some Ideas Reflect on the Human Condition through an experience of a particular emotion e.g.: - Disappointment- Guilt - Regret- Anger/Rage - Sense of Humility- Betrayal - Elation/epiphany- Humiliation - Bitterness- Rejection - Acute Jealousy- Inner peace - A sense of failure- Grief

12 Some Ideas Reflect on the Human Condition through an image or common experience e.g.: - An empty room - A crowded beach - A new-born baby - An individual hostile face or group of hostile faces - An old man/woman struggling with something - A landscape devastated by a natural disaster - Unspoilt beauty in nature

13 Some Ideas Reflect on the Human Condition through common life experiences e.g.: - Making decisions/choices (big & small) - Facing challenges - Doing something you don’t want to do - Facing change and new things in life - Rites of passage – growing older - Facing loss and grief

14 Some Ideas Reflect on the Human Condition through thought- provoking topics e.g.: - The power of prayer/religion/faith - The complexity of the human brain - The power of art/music/drama etc. - The nature of compassion/charity - Hope and Survival - The meaning of charity - Truth and lies - Showing Courage - Hypocrisy

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