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1. Introduction. 1. Introduction 2. The Unseen Enemy.

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2 1. Introduction

3 2. The Unseen Enemy

4 The devil, satan, the accuser, lucifer, father of lies, a roaring lion, Beelzebub, Beelzebul, Belial, murderer from the beginning, the great dragon, serpent of old, ruler of this world, prince of Persia, prince of the power of the air, the tempter, the god of this world, the evil one (but just a fallen angel).

5 3. The Powers of Darkness

6 Whether we realise it or not we are in a battle.

7 4. From the devil’s perspective






13 5. Other Passage Gems

14 Make a Stand!

15 Pray!

16 Fearless in the Gospel

17 6. Call to Action


19 Prayer for the Nation Saturday 9.30 – 12.30 September 19th, here!

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