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Arrays, Vectors, and Strings Allocation and referencing.

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Presentation on theme: "Arrays, Vectors, and Strings Allocation and referencing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrays, Vectors, and Strings Allocation and referencing

2 Array Type Arrays are a compound type Base_type name[size]; Array dimension specifies the number of elements Dimension must be a positive integer literal OR a constant expression (i.e., known at compile time)

3 Array Examples cnt = 100;// not a const expr constexpr max = 100;// a const expr int array1[100];// good int array2[max];// good int array3[cnt];// error – not const int array4[getsize(something)]; // good iff getsize() is constexpr

4 Arrays Array indices run from 0 to Max-1 Always check your index!! Can reference element by index or by pointer dereference A[i] or *(A + i) Type allows compiler to compute correct offset into memory

5 0xfa10 0xfa58 0xfa54 0xfa50 0xfa4c 0xfa48 0xfa44 0xfa40 0xfa3c 0xfa38 0xfa34 0xfa30 0xfa2c 0xfa28 0xfa24 0xfa20 0xfa1c 0xfa18 0xfa14 AddressRAM 0x00000004 int array1[5]={1,2,4,8,16}; char name[5]=“Mary”; int *ptr = &array1[0]; 0x00000002 0x00000001 0x00000008 0x00000010 ‘y’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘M’ ‘\0’ ‘\0’ Symbol Table IdentifierTypeLocation array1int*0xfa18 namechar*0xfa2c ptrint*0xfa18 Note: null terminated Arrays

6 2-D Arrays C++ does not really have multi-D arrays Looks kind of like it: int A[M][N]; Arrays are really pointers to the first element in a consecutively stored sequence of elements of same type 2-D array is really pointer to a 1-D array of pointers to first row elements

7 C-Style Strings C++ has a String class Can be referenced by index like array But it is a true object C strings are not a primitive type, nor are they a struct A C-style string is just a 1-D array of char, with NULL termination NOTA BENE: always a '\0' at end!!!!

8 0xfa10 0xfa58 0xfa54 0xfa50 0xfa4c 0xfa48 0xfa44 0xfa40 0xfa3c 0xfa38 0xfa34 0xfa30 0xfa2c 0xfa28 0xfa24 0xfa20 0xfa1c 0xfa18 0xfa14 AddressRAM 0x00000004 char names[3]={“Julian”, “James”,“John”}; 0x00000002 0x00000001 0x00000008 0x00000010 ‘y’ ‘a’ ‘r’ ‘M’ ‘\0’ ‘\0’ Symbol Table IdentifierTypeLocation array1int*0xfa18 namechar*0xfa2c ptrint*0xfa18 2-D Arrays names char*[] 0xfa34 0x00000fa40 0x0000fa47 0x0000fa4d ‘i’ ‘l’ ‘u’ ‘J’ ‘J’ ‘\0’ ‘n’ ‘a’ ‘s’ ‘e’ ‘m’ ‘a’ ‘h’ ‘o’ ‘J’ ‘\0’ ? ? ‘\0’ ‘n’

9 C-Style Strings and Chars Remember, char and string are not the same 'a' is a char literal – uses one byte of RAM “a” is a string literal – uses two bytes of RAM Name[] = “Joe”; - uses... 4 bytes for the 3 characters plus null character Char *name – allocate pointer ONLY!! library – many functions

10 C String Library #include i=strlen(p);// string length less null i=strcmp(p1,p2);// neg if p1<p2, etc. p1=strcat(p1,p2);// appends p2 to p1 p1=strcpy(p1,p2);// copies p2 to p1 /*** WARNING – NO BOUNDS CHECKING! ***/ /* use these safe versions below! */ i=strncmp(p1,p2,n);// … only up to n p1=strncat(p1,p2,n);// … only up to n p1=strncpy(p1,p2,n);// … only up to n

11 C String Library #include size_t strlen(char s[])// not int! int atoi(char s[])// int value of s[] double atof(char s[])// double value long atol(char s[])// long value void itoa(int val, char s[], int radix) // converts integer value to string

12 C++ Strings C++ has string type #include using std::string; string s1;// default to empty string s2=s1;// s2 is a *copy* of s1 string s3=“Joe”;// s3 is copy of literal string s4=(10,’c’);// s4 is cccccccccc while (cin >> word) …// whitespace delim while (getline(cin, line)) … // \n delim

13 Strings & C-Strings string s(“Hello World”); char *str=s;// error! const char *str = s.c_str();// OK /* Achtung! Contents of *str may change * Copy into local version if need * continued access to contents */ Use s.insert(), s.erase(), s.assign(), s.append(), and s.replace() on strings

14 Vectors Vectors very similar to arrays Except they are class templates, not a type – must include type in declaration Take care of memory management Use push_back() to expand

15 Vector Initialization vector dvec;// ivec empty vector ivec(10, 5); /* 10 ints all 10 have value 5 */ vector ivec2(ivec); // copy ivec vector ivec3 = ivec;// also copy vector vec4(10);/* 10 item vector of type T objs default init */ vector ivec5{2,3,5,7,11,13} // 6 elements with values given vector ivec6 = {1,2,4,8,16} // 5 elements with values given

16 Vector Initialization vector ivec1(10); vector ivec2{10}; vector ivec3(10, 5); vector ivec4{10, 5}; vector sv1{“Al”,“Mo”, “Jo”}; vector sv2(“Al”,“Mo”,“Jo”); // 10 ints all value 0 // one int value 10 // 10 ints all value 5 // 2 ints, values 10 & 5 // list initialization // error

17 Adding to a Vector Vector size may not be known Vector may be large Use push_back member function vector iv; for (int i=0; i != MAX; ++i) iv.push_back(i*i); vector text; while (cin >> word) // word is string text.push_back(word); Subscripting does not add elements!

18 Range For Auto type definition if unknown Range for – like “foreach” vector iv2{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; for (auto &i=0 : iv2) // reference! i *= i;// square elements for (auto i : iv2)// non-reference cout << i << endl;

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