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Simple Footprint Previewing Specification and Prototype Requirements Francesco Pierfederici.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Footprint Previewing Specification and Prototype Requirements Francesco Pierfederici."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Footprint Previewing Specification and Prototype Requirements Francesco Pierfederici

2 Implementation Quot homines tot sententiae “[…] requirements for displaying simple footprint information for any given observation on the sky.” FoVs described in RESOURCE elements in the same VOTable document as the data points. FoV as sequence of STC Regions. Each dataset references a FoV instance in the document.

3 Status Requirements document ( FoVReqs) - collaboration with CDS. Reference prototype client - CDS. FoV descriptions for ESO WFI and FORS1 (std res and hi res).

4 <PARAM ID="J2000" name="Coord Frame" datatype="char" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/SpaceRefFrame" value="J2000.0"/> Dataset List <FIELD name="RA" ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="char" arraysize="11" unit="h:m:s" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/OffsetCenter[1]"/> <FIELD name="DEC" ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main" ref="J2000" datatype="char" arraysize="11" unit="d:m:s" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/OffsetCenter[2]"/> <FIELD name="PA" ucd="pos.posAng" datatype="float" unit="deg" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/PositionAngle"/> 20:48:16.76 -40:10:35.2 10.5 FORS1.2004-07-23T07:36:08.899 FORS1 FakeInstrFoV 10 20:48:16.10 -40:11:08.8 0.0 FORS1.2004-07-30T08:18:53.053 FORS1 FakeInstrFoV 10

5 <RESOURCE ID="FakeInstrFoV" name ="Fake Instrument Field of View" utype="ivoa:characterization/[ucd=pos]/coverage/support" > Ficticious FoV made up of a two identical rectangle"s separated by 5 arcsec. Each rectangle has dimensions 2' x 5'. <PARAM name="FOV Coord Frame" datatype="char" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/SpaceRefFrame" value="J2000.0"/> <PARAM name="FOV Coord Flavor" datatype="char" utype="stc:AstroCoordSys/SpaceFrame/CoordFlavor" value="CARTESIAN"/> <FIELD ID="VRO" name="VertexRAOffset" datatype="float" unit="arcsec" utype="stc:AstroCoordArea/Region/reg:Polygon/Vertex/Position[1]"/> <FIELD ID="VDO" name="VertexDecOffset" datatype="float" unit="arcsec" utype="stc:AstroCoordArea/Region/reg:Polygon/Vertex/Position[2]"/> -2.5 -150.0 -122.5 -150.0 -122.5 150.0 -2.5 150.0 122.5 -150.0 2.5 -150.0 2.5 150.0 122.5 150.0

6 Future Developments FoV descriptions in separate XML files? Publication of FoV descriptions for ESO instruments.

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