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Lecture 2- Internet, Basic Search, Advanced Search COE 201- Computer Proficiency.

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1 Lecture 2- Internet, Basic Search, Advanced Search COE 201- Computer Proficiency

2 Outline What is the internet? History of computer networks TCP/IP Protocol Evolution of The Internet Web Browser IP Address DNS Search Engines Search Optimization

3 What is The Internet? A network formed by the co-operative interconnection of a large number of computer networks. No one owns the internet. ▫Every person who makes a connection owns a slice of the internet. The internet was immerged as a network of networks.

4 History of Computer Networks Started in the late 60’s. Purpose: Connect several computers together so as to achieve a number of goals: ▫Exchanging messages ▫Sharing some information. Problem: ▫Networks were all propriety nature.  All the computers in a specific network had to be of the same type or from the same vendor.  These small networks emerged in different labs and organizations like small islands.

5 History of Computer Networks As the requirement of the people grew in time, they felt the necessity to connect these network together. There has to be a common binding force or a common standard that would allow all the computers across this network to communicate among themselves. This common standard is called TCP/IP

6 TCP/IP Transmission Central Protocol/Internet Protocol. Common standard that binds all the network together. All the message exchanges that go on the internet, they use the syntax of the format of the TCP/IP. If your computer understands TCP/IP, it could be part of the network (Internet). Protocol = Language

7 Evolution of The Internet 1950’s – ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) started to network a number of computers. 1970 – ARPANET started to create a standard which is basically the predecessor to the TCP standard that we have today. It was a preliminary protocol. 1971 – Universities were added to the network. ▫Telnet and FTP are available. 1972 – First electronic mail message sent. 1983 – Internet now in place. TCP/IP standardized.

8 Web Browser A software application. Makes the content on the internet viewable. Convert the data coming from the internet to the graphical interface you see. Displays all elements of a website at their designated positions. Example: Internet Explorer (IE) Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Opera Safari

9 IP Address Internet Protocol address is a specific numerical address that identifies the location of a server or individual computer on the internet. Similar to a postal street address in the real world where the internet would be the streets and highways, and the IP address would be a house/business address in a specific country, state, city, town, etc.

10 IP Address

11 Domain Name Part of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) ▫Between “www.” and the first “/”. ▫Example:, “” is the domain name. Has a suffix that indicates the purpose this domain is used. Because the internet is IP address based, not domain names, every web server requires a Domain Name System (DNS).

12 DNS Domain Name System A database system that translates an IP address into a domain name. ▫Example: the IP address: is translated into google.com74.125.224.72 Domain Names are text names that stand in place of an IP address to make it easier for users to remember.

13 Search Engines A software system designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. Example: ▫Google ▫Yahoo ▫Bing

14 How to Search The ‘+’ Operator ▫To search for more than a term on the same webpage. ▫Refers to AND. ▫Example: sun + heat The ‘-’ Operator ▫To search for pages that include the first term and NOT the second. ▫Example: sun – heat. The ‘~’ Operator ▫Finds synonyms of the keywords. ▫Example: ~run: matches “run”, “runner”, “running” The ‘OR’ and | Operator ▫Finds either or both of the keywords. ▫‘OR’ should be written in upper case

15 How to Search The “” Operator ▫To search for an exact phrase. The () Operator ▫To group parts of your search. ▫Example: sun + (heat OR burn)  This will return pages with both the words sun and heat or both the words sun and burn or all the words sun, heat and burn. The ‘..’ Operator ▫Specify that results contain numbers in a range by specifying two numbers.  Example: 250..1200

16 Optimizing your search Let’s try some Google queries: KeywordsResults chocolate + cake93,700,000 chocolate OR cake1,350,000,000 "chocolate cake"25,200,000 "cake chocolate"2,190,000

17 Advanced Search When you don’t find what you are looking for, consider specifying more precisely what you want by using Google’s Advanced Search feature. Click on the Advanced Search link at the right of Google’s search box or visit:


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