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Living with Uncertainty. Uncertainty is a fact of life  You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow Js 4:14a  You do not know what a day may.

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Presentation on theme: "Living with Uncertainty. Uncertainty is a fact of life  You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow Js 4:14a  You do not know what a day may."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living with Uncertainty

2 Uncertainty is a fact of life  You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow Js 4:14a  You do not know what a day may bring forth Prov 27:1b

3 Living with Uncertainty  Do not Boast by Making Plans with Certainty (Be Humble) Prov 27:1; Js 4:13-17; Lk 12:16-21 This is what I will do… But God said…

4 Living with Uncertainty  Do not Worry (Trust) Mt 6:25-34; 2 Kgs 7:1-2, 16-20 The Father’s Provision 6:26, 28-30 The Father’s Knowledge 6:32 The Father’s Promise 6:33 Don’t be like Gentiles; Seek first God’s kingdom 6:32-33 What does worry accomplish? 6:27

5 Living with Uncertainty  Do not “live it up” in self-indulgence Isa 22:12-14

6 Living with Uncertainty  Do make the most of each day Eph 5:15-17 don’t procrastinate Prov 3:28; Jn 9:4 don’t let uncertainty stop you from acting Eccl 11:1-6 do plan so that each day may be productive Acts 18:23; 19:21; Rom 15:22-32

7 Living with Uncertainty Do appreciate what you have today and praise and thank God for it Eccl 7:14; Js 5:13

8 Living with Uncertainty How are you doing?  Do you boast or are you humble?  Do you worry or do you trust?  Are you “living it up” or considering your soul’s condition?  Are you making the most of each day, not procrastinating or hesitating, but working according to plans?  Are you praising and thanking God for today’s blessings?

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