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Tennessee Electronic Library The new and improved edition. Overview and training guide prepared for Lake City Elementary School By: Kelly Raye Williams,

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Electronic Library The new and improved edition. Overview and training guide prepared for Lake City Elementary School By: Kelly Raye Williams,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Electronic Library The new and improved edition. Overview and training guide prepared for Lake City Elementary School By: Kelly Raye Williams, LMS Revised September 9. 2013

2 What is TEL? The Tennessee Electronic Library is a virtual library accessible from any computer with an internet connection in Tennessee. TEL provides access to more than 400,000 electronic resources including: Magazines, Newspapers, Practice Tests, e-books, Career Materials, Genealogy, Tennessee History, and Health Information.

3 The Value of TEL TEL saves the schools and libraries of Tennessee $94,445,493 each year. The total saving for each elementary is $23,357. These are subscription databases the state is funding for all Tennessee residents.

4 Kids Info Bits Research database designed especially for K – 2 nd graders to learn researching skills. This database using picture icons to guide student searches. –The following slides show a brief guided tour.

5 Just click on your topic. Let’s chose animals.

6 Let’s choose mammals. So, just click.

7 Let’s view Pandas. Just click.

8 Legend to show reading level. Note: different types of sources Choose and click

9 Yes, when needed, it does read the article for you.

10 TEL 4 U! A Universe of Free Resources for Grades K-5. (Students and Teachers)! Includes –Homework Help –State History –E-books –Games and Activities –The following slides show a brief guided tour.






16 Just a few more InfoTrac Junior Gale Power Search Educator’s Complete Reference Center These three databases allow you to create your own account with an e-mail address so that you can save your searches. Please let me know when you want another training session on utilizing these databases.

17 Create your personal account here

18 Benefits of Creating Account

19 Click on advanced search


21 What I can do Save searches Bookmark articles Saved articles

22 Now Announcing The Complete World Book On-Line has been added to TEL!

23 New This year…. World Book Encyclopedia has been purchased this year through our TEL funding!!!! Please note: I am still learning how to create web pages using the SchoolinSites Program. Therefore, this presentation includes the picture icon for specific World Book interfaces, that will be added to our web page soon.

24 Different Interfaces for World Book World Book Kids World Book Student World Book Advanced Early World of Learning The following slides show a brief guided tour.




28 Type in your search term. Then press the search button.

29 Select article and click on hyperlink



32 Notice the ability to save a new project. Be sure to click on the articles you want placed in this research project.






38 No matter which interface you choose to utilize from World Book Online, at the bottom of the page you will find an training guide and online tutorial. They are EXTREMELY helpful.

39 The Learning Express Library This database has test prep questions starting at 4 th grade. Each user will need their e-mail address to create an account. Test and modules can be added to individual accounts and test results can be printed. The following slides show a brief guided tour.




43 Our school’s access to TEL can be found on the LCES Library Media Center links page. A copy of this document will also be available for your review on the media center’s page.

44 Happy Searching!!!!

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