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?. When designing, you should analyze your target audience. Design you webpage around your target audience Target Audience.

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1 ?

2 When designing, you should analyze your target audience. Design you webpage around your target audience Target Audience

3 In addition… Make sure that your webpage is technically compatible with your users (target audience) Keep in mind: -Screen Resolution (If the screen has more pixels, how will my webpage look?) -Browser Compatibility (Does my webpage look the same on Mozilla Firefox as it does on Google Chrome?)

4 Website Organization? When your webpage users get to the site, how will they navigate it? Common Layouts -Hierarchical (Several Major pages; a well defined homepage) -Linear (sequential, you can’t directly access pages from a home) -Random (No recognizable organization; the site offers no clear directions)

5 Principles of Visual Design Repetition – Parts of a webpage are repeated, creating a uniform style which is recognizable throughout website Contrast – Page elements are different from one another. Can direct attention toward certain aspects Proximity – Related items are grouped with one another. Information can thus be organized by meaning Alignment – Certain elements may be vertical or horizontal in order to deliver a clearer message to users

6 Universal Accessibility Certain considerations should be made for people that may need extra accessibility features Features include: -alternate text for images -descriptive hyperlinks -descriptive titles -search engine optimization (better search results)

7 Font and Text Considerations Using the right font for your website is very important It is good practice to do the following before publishing your webpage: -Readability of fonts -Test How well the font appears on different computers -Length of text -Hyperlink tags -Spelling and Grammar

8 ColorColor Colors in webpage code are written using a special numbering system (Hexadecimal) Hexadecimal Color Values -Hexadecimals specify the amount of red, green and blue that a computer displays

9 Considerations for Color When designing your webpage: -Colors should not interfere with reading -Colors should reflect your audience -If designing with everybody in mind, use a neutral colored background (white)

10 Navigation Design Websites should have some of navigation in order to provide information quickly Navigation Bars – Navigation bars are added Breadcrumb Navigation – Sidebar uses hierarchical trail Graphics Navigation – Images may be used as hyperlinks Dynamic Navigation – Composed of complex site elements Site Map – Website is outlined with hyperlinks to major pages Site Search – Search features are added to help navigate

11 Layout Design There are several different layouts which can be used in the design process Wireframe – shows major structure but omits details Ice – pages have a fixed width, with a fixed side bar Jello – Fixed width, but elements are centered Liquid – Content takes up 100% of window, no margins

12 Page Optimization Web pages need to be optimized so that they load at a reasonable speed. People will go to other webpages if they are known to load faster and or they are more convenient and easy to use Optimizations -Image Slicing: (images can be broken up into smaller pieces which load quicker) -”Above the Fold”: Important stuff needs to be placed at the top, so that it is seen first -White Space: white space can be used to improve readability and make graphics stand out

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