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Chapter 3. Life Cycle of a Cell  Interphase  Mitosis  Cytoplasmic Division  Differentiation.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3. Life Cycle of a Cell  Interphase  Mitosis  Cytoplasmic Division  Differentiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3

2 Life Cycle of a Cell  Interphase  Mitosis  Cytoplasmic Division  Differentiation

3 Interphase  Cell is in a resting state, growth occurs, DNA copies itself, cell checkpoints  Composed of 3 stages  G1  S  G2

4 Mitosis  Nuclear Division  Composed of 4 stages  Prophase  Metaphase  Anaphase  Telophase  Mnemonic = the dog peed on the mat (PMAT)

5 Prophase  Chromatin condenses and becomes visible as chromosomes  Spindle forms and centrioles migrate to the poles  Nuclear membrane dissolves

6 Metaphase  Chromosomes line up along the equator  Remember: Meta = middle

7 Anaphase  Individual chromatids separate

8 Telophase  Nuclear membrane reforms  Spindle disappears

9 Cytokinesis  The cytoplasm (and hence the whole cell) separates  Some still consider cytokinesis to be a part of mitosis…it is now a separate part of the cell cycle

10 Differentiation  When a stem cell starts to become a specialized cell (like a muscle cell or nerve cell)

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