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Camille Parrish - background in hydrology, environmental protection Environmental Studies Program Dykstra Eusden - background in geologic mapping, structural.

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Presentation on theme: "Camille Parrish - background in hydrology, environmental protection Environmental Studies Program Dykstra Eusden - background in geologic mapping, structural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camille Parrish - background in hydrology, environmental protection Environmental Studies Program Dykstra Eusden - background in geologic mapping, structural geology Department of Geology Mathieu Duvall - background in data management for Arctic studies Director of the Imaging Center Sponsors: NIH INBRE Program Howard Hughes Medical Institute Bedrock Geologic Map of Cliff Island, Maine Part of ES/GE 217 “Mapping and GIS” Bates College

2 RESOURCES Bates College Imaging and Computing Center Opened in 2007 Multidisciplinary facility Dedicated to enhancing visual thinking and communication Two full time staff Twenty one 2.1 GHz Windows computers with 2 GB RAM Each workstation is equipped with ArcGIS v. 9.3, campus-wide site license Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator Lots of scanners, printers, and large format plotters Wired classroom All assignments, lab projects, and homework uploaded to a web-based server “Lyceum”

3 LAB PROJECTS Phippsburg township land conservation, surficial features, and habitat mapping Surface Analysis and Modeling (DEM) of Casco Bay region Lineament Analysis of Casco Bay and ArcScene Fly By Spatial Interpolation and Land Cover/Satellite Analysis Presidential Range, NH Watershed Delineation of Lake Auburn, Maine Cliff Island GPS Field Data and Geologic Map Construction

4 Cliff Island Geology Map – ES/GE 217 Overview of assignment The purpose of this lab is to make a really nice looking bedrock geologic map of part of Cliff Island in Casco Bay. You will be collecting geologic field data on Cliff Island, making the digital map in ArcMap and preparing the final publication map in Adobe InDesign.

5 Your map must have the following key ingredients: 1) the map with patterned …… 2) the legend which includes …... 3) the photo gallery of rocks ….. 4) the north arrow with magnetic declination …… 5) the title of the map, the name(s) of the author, …… 6) a laypersons description of what a geologic map is ……

6 Bedrock Geology Mapping Exercise Cliff Island, Maine

7 Mesozoic (Triassic?) Basalt Dike

8 Ordovician Scarboro Formation Silver phyllite member

9 Ordovician Scarboro Formation Rusty phyllite member

10 Ordovician Spring Point Formation Magnetite + garnet granofels

11 Ordovician Spring Point Formation Magnetite + garnet granofels

12 Ordovician Cape Elizabeth Formation Gray schist/phyllite and granofels

13 Ordovician Cushing Formation White and dark gray gneisses


15 Finished geologic map of Cliff Island made by a student

16 A mapping exercise like this provides students with…. Experience using GPS linked with field data collection Techniques in symbology and topology in Arc Opportunity to think spatially about earth materials Chance to make a publication quality final product geared for both the geologist and lay public You can make a digital map of any earth materials near campus

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