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Data Stewardship and Maintenance for the National Hydrography Dataset USGS/INEGI Cross-Border Integration Project Cross-Border Integration Project U.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Stewardship and Maintenance for the National Hydrography Dataset USGS/INEGI Cross-Border Integration Project Cross-Border Integration Project U.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Stewardship and Maintenance for the National Hydrography Dataset USGS/INEGI Cross-Border Integration Project Cross-Border Integration Project U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

2 Binational Watersheds The first prioirty is to complete the integration of watersheds between the U.S. and Mexico at the sub-basin level (US) and basin level (Mexico) to obtain the binational framework for the hydrographic network. At the second level of priority is the completion of the watersheds at the sub-watershed level or micro-cuencas for all the sub-basins that cross the international border. On the part of the USGS, the watershed boundaries at the sub- watershed level are at their final stage of review, Karen Hanson, the coordinator for the USGS, is in agreement to modify the boundaries to harmonize them with the Mexican side. To delineate the watershed boundaries at the sub-watershed level for the Mexican side of the border, the team will include members from INEGI (under the coordination of Victor Romero), the USGS (under the coordination of Karen Hanson) and the Texas Natural Resource Information System (Miguel Pavon).

3 Hydrography Network The INEGI team, under the coordination of Ruben Carrasco will prioritize to complete the phase II of the hydrography network for the networks in the border region, beginning in the west (Tijuana-San Diego) working towards the east (Matamoros-Brownsville). At the completion of phase II for each network file, these files will be made available on the ftp site for USGS Access. Each country will take the responsibility to adjust their water flow lines to the international border. In the case where an hydrological feature exists on one side of the border, but does not exist on the other side of the border, it should be taken into consideration that INEGI’s information is more current that the USGS information. Therefore, the USGS will take the responsibility to adjust their features to harmonize them with those of INEGI. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), under the coordination of Paul Kimsey of the USGS, will develop a crosswalk table to record the changes to the hydrography network during any update activities. This crosswalk table will include the unique code for each river segment or the reach code for the NHD.

4 Communication and Schedule: Project Communication – The two teams agreed that it is critical to have monthly conference calls to discuss progress and integration issues. Jean Parcher will arrange for the calls.

5 Final Products Every country will archive their hydrography network for the entire watershed at the sub-basin level in their appropriate database. Every country will archive their watersheds at the sub-watershed level in their appropriate database. By means of the crosswalk table, the revision of the hydrography networks will be recorded. The names of the binational watersheds will include the official names of each country. Final Comments The INEGI authorities appreciate the USGS visit, especially the emphasis towards exchanging opinions and experiences with these Binational projects. To reach the goals and objectives of this working meeting exceeded 30% more than was expected. It is of great importance to define what the needed resources for the project are and request those from INEGI. The opinion of the USGS concerning the technical issues of the project is requested.

6 Software Requirements---------- The NHD toolsets are composed of a variety of editing and analysis tools that were developed in a variety of programming languages and environments by members of the NHD community. INSTALLATION OF SUPPORTING SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE COMPONENTS, AND PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. For the NHD toolsets to function properly, a distinct set of supporting software must be installed--AND INSTALLED IN A DISTINCT ORDER. ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES are required to perform the installation. The operating system must be Microsoft Windows XP. Documentation regarding the use of the tools is available for download from the NHD Stewardship website. Note: FME suite must also be installed to run ETL tools

7 Coordinating with Internal Projects and External Partners

8 State Partners that have Draft/Signed Stewardship Agreements must be coordinated with throughout the process.

9 The NHD Stewardship web site – Maintenance/Revision status page shows the status of subbasins that are currently checked out by NGTOC or external partners. Coordination will be required throughout the project to ensure that overlapping updates do not occur.

10 General Process Steps: ■Use FME-ETL tool to translate Bi-national waterbodies attribution to NHD ■Project Bi-national Waterbodies to AlbersEqArea ■Populate Metadata record ■Using NHD Geo Edit tool- Allocate Reach Codes for NHDWaterbody subtype LakePond ■Load Bi-national WaterBodies (MX side) to database Note: Bi-national waterbodies does not include Rio Grande River ■Load Rio Grande updates to database ■Check Out/Extract NHD Subbasins ■Check INEGI Hydro Network shapefiles for edge allignment with NHD data – updates required on MX side will be communicated with INEGI ■Receive updated (edge alligned) files from INEGI ■Edge allign NHD with INEGI data/ Add NHD content to match INEGI data ■ QC data – see NHD Maintenance.doc for details ■Load Updates to database ■Convert INEGI Hydro Network data to NHD using ETL ■Populate Metadata record – include URL to INEGI Process document ■NHDProcessingParameters table – set version to ‘newload’ ■Allocate Reach Codes ■Load Hydro Network updates (MX side) to database ■Extract Subbasins ■Using NHD TOOLS TOOLBOX, populate wbareacomid – Assign WaterBodyArea_ComID’s to Bi-national Waterbodies (ALL) ■Final QC - see NHD Maintenance.doc for details ■Load updates if necessary

11 Harmonized Cross-Border Subbasins

12 Project consists of 28 “Harmonized” Subbasins Available for download from NRCS Data Gateway (by State) Or T:\NationalGeospatialTechnicalOperationsCenter\VectorPrograms\Hydrography\ NHDMaintenance\WBD

13 INEGI will retain original hydrologic units for packaging hydro network Sub Cuencas. New harmonized Watershed Boundaries (WBD) may contain one or more Sub Cuencas to populate NHD Subbasin extent.

14 116 Sub Cuencas will be used to populate 28 cross-border NHD Subbasins

15 Integration of Binational Waterbodies to Populate Mexico Portion of Cross-Border Subbasins

16 The USGS U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental Health project was responsible for creating the Binational Waterbodies dataset. USGS will retain existing NHDArea and NHDWaterbody Features on the US side. INEGI has agreed that USGS will use Binational Waterbodies dataset on the MX side and that INEGI will update these features on the MX side in the future as resources allow.

17 Binational Waterbodies with features on US side removed Remaining features on MX side- 71 – Area features 24,511 Waterbody features

18 Process Steps: ■ Use FME-ETL tool to translate Binational Waterbodies attribution to NHD ■ Project Binational Waterbodies to AlbersEqArea ■ Populate Metadata record ■ Using NHD Geo Edit tool- Allocate Reach Codes for NHDWaterbody subtype LakePond ■ Load Binational WaterBodies (MX side) to database Note: Binational Waterbodies does not include Rio Grande River

19 FME tool for converting Binational Waterbodies (MX side). The entire border area (28 subbasins) will be loaded in one update. Note that there is a field to identify the ‘Count Start’. This will ensure that the ComID field will be populated with Unique ID’s which will allow for a crosswalk to permanent ComID’s in the database and will also allow for a crosswalk of ComID’s to Permanent ID’s (GUID) when the NHD model is migrated to the Common Vector Model Create XML Document(s) Load to database

20 Rio Grande River Revision

21 Rio Grande Revision--Combination of 2005, 2008 NAIP will be used for source imagery Sub Regions 1304, 1308, 1309 GNIS Name – ‘Grande, Rio’ will be changed to ‘Rio Grande’ Create XML Document(s) Load to database

22 Integrating INEGI Hydrographic Network with USGS National Hydrography Dataset Proof of Concept - Pilot NHD Subbasin 15080301 INEGI Sub Cuenca RH09Bg

23 NHD Subbasin 15080301 INEGI Sub Cuenca RH09Bg

24 NHD Subbasin 15080301 INEGI Sub Cuenca RH09Bg

25 Process Steps: ■ Check Out/Extract NHD Subbasins ■ Check INEGI Hydro Network shapefiles for edge allignment with NHD data – updates required will be communicated with INEGI ■ Receive updated (edge alligned) files from INEGI ■ Edge allign NHD with INEGI data/ Add NHD content to match INEGI data ■ QC data – see NHD Maintenance.doc for details ■ Load Updates to database

26 Check out subbasin from NHD Stewardship web site Extract personal geodatabase

27 Edge Matching

28 Attribute allignment where feature exists in both datasets Perennial Intermittent

29 Edge Matching Spatial allignment where feature exists in both datasets

30 Edge Matching Content additions – USGS, National Hydrography Dataset Evidence of matching stream on US side

31 Edge Matching Content additions – INEGI Hydro Network evidence of matching stream on MX side INEGI will add stream

32 Edge Matching Content modifications – INEGI Hydro Network

33 Quality Control: USGS has implemented a thorough QC process that has been used to check all In-House, Partner, and Contract updates. This process will be used to check the updated NHD data. For detailed information see NHD Maintenance document Create XML Document(s) Load to database

34 Transforming INEGI Hydrographic Network into USGS National Hydrography Dataset Proof of Concept - Pilot NHD Subbasin 15080301 INEGI Sub Cuenca RH09Bg

35 Process Steps: ■ Convert INEGI Hydro Network data to NHD using ETL ■ Populate Metadata record – include URL to INEGI Process document ■ NHDProcessingParameters table – set version to ‘newload’ ■ Allocate Reach Codes ■ Load Hydro Network updates (MX side) to database

36 FME tool for converting INEGI Hydro network (MX side). Note that there is a field to identify the ‘Count Start’. This will ensure that the ComID field will be populated with Unique ID’s which will allow for a crosswalk to permanent ComID’s in the database and will also allow for a crosswalk of ComID’s to Permanent ID’s (GUID) when the NHD model is migrated to the Common Vector Model

37 Note: Common Identifier (ComID) in current model will be retained as secondary identifier. Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) in NHD BP model will become the Permanent Identifier Crosswalking fields from INEGI Hydro network to NHDFlowline


39 Populate NHD Metadata – including URL to English version of INEGI process document Populate NHDProcessingParameters Version - Parameter Value = “new load”

40 Allocate reach Codes Create XML Document(s) Load to database

41 Final QC of NHD Cross-Border Subbasins

42 Process Steps: ■ Check Out and Extract Subbasin ■ Using NHD TOOLS TOOLBOX, populate wbareacomid – Assign WaterBodyArea_ComID’s to Binational Waterbodies (ALL) ■ Final QC - see NHD Maintenance.doc for details ■ Load updates if necessary

43 Check out subbasin from NHD Stewardship web site Extract personal geodatabase Note: The entire subbasin will be available for checkout at this point in the process

44 Populate WaterBodyAreaComID’s -Populate all values -Check all existing values and correct where necessary

45 Quality Control: USGS has implemented a thorough QC process that has been used to check all In-House, Partner, and Contract updates. This process will be used to check the updated NHD data. For detailed information see NHD Maintenance document Create XML Document(s) Load updates to database (if necessary)

46 Data maintenance and dissemination- INEGI will have access to NHD updates through data extracts National Map Viewer – URL TBD USGS will establish Area of Interest (AOI) for INEGI who will be notified by email when updates occur within cross-border subbasins on the US side of the border. INEGI will make the Hydro Network available to USGS through and will notify USGS when updates occur within cross-border subbasins on the MX side of the border.

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