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SOIL. What is soil:  Soil: is a complex mixture of inorganic minerals, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "SOIL. What is soil:  Soil: is a complex mixture of inorganic minerals, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is soil:  Soil: is a complex mixture of inorganic minerals, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms

3 How is soil produced?  Produced by a process called weathering, which breaks down rocks via erosion and decomposition

4 Layers of Soil  Topsoil: uppermost layer that consists of twigs, leaves, insects, etc  Subsoil: consists of rock particles and minerals  Weather Rock: made of bits of rock broken (bedrock)

5 How Does Soil Differ?  Differs according to mineral content, pH, organic content, etc.  Differs according to location or biome that it is found in.


7 What is a biome?  Large geographic area that has a particular climate, native animals and plants, etc  Either terrestrial or aquatic

8 Terrestrial Biomes  Tropical Rain Forest  Grassland (prairies)  Tundra  Savanna  Desert  Coniferous Forest (or Taiga)  Deciduous Biome (our biome)

9 Aquatic Biomes  Freshwater (lakes, ponds, streams, etc)  Marine (oceans)

10 10% Law  Used to determine how much energy is present in different trophic levels of a food chain

11 Where are the biomes located??  You will be given a blank map of the world and different locations for each biome. Color code each biome to its corresponding location- hand it at the end of the period.

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