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Evolution of Earth’s Greenhouse Effect Jeffrey T. Kiehl National Center for Atmospheric Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of Earth’s Greenhouse Effect Jeffrey T. Kiehl National Center for Atmospheric Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of Earth’s Greenhouse Effect Jeffrey T. Kiehl National Center for Atmospheric Research

2 Outline What is the Greenhouse Effect? Forcings over Geologic Time Sources to Estimate Greenhouse Effect Evolution of Greenhouse Effect Comparison to Neighboring Planets Whither the Greenhouse Effect?

3 Greenhouse Effect F TOA

4 G = - F TOA Wm -2 g = /F TOA Greenhouse Effect (Energy) Greenhouse Efficiency

5 Greenhouse Effect: G or g Convolves a number of relevant climatic variables: Temperature Water Vapor Clouds Trace Gases {CO 2, CH 4, …}

6 Forcings over Geologic Time Solar Insolation Luminosity Interplanetary Dust? Milankovitch S(t,  ) Atmospheric Composition Carbon Dioxide & Methane Volcanic Aerosols Paleogeography Orography Positions of Continents Ocean Basins Ocean Bathymetry

7 Sources of Greenhouse Effect Neoproterozoic (~600 MYA) Pavlov and Kiehl, Chandler & Sohl Cretaceous (~70 MYA) Otto-Bliesner et al. Eocene (~55 MYA) Huber and Sloan Last Glacial Maximum (~18,000 y b.p.) Otto-Bliesner et al. Holocene (~3,500 y b.p.) Otto-Bliesner et al. Modern (1870-2000) Ammann et al.





12 Obs. Collins(2003)

13 = 17,002 Wm -2 S = S 0 (1-  p )/4 = F= 185 Wm -2 G = 16,817 Wm -2 g = 92 Venus

14 Earth = 402 Wm -2 F = 239 Wm -2 G = 163 Wm -2 g = 1.7

15 = 133 Wm -2 Mars S = S 0 (1-  p )/4 = F= 123 Wm -2 G = 10 Wm -2 g = 1.1

16 Whither the Future?


18 FALL 2003 AGU SESSION on Evolution of Earth’s Greenhouse


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