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Venus Project by Nick Snyder.

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1 Venus Project by Nick Snyder

2 Just Some Facts The diameter of Venus is 12,100km or 7518.59143 miles.
The average temperature on Venus is 460 degrees celcius or 860 degrees farenheit. 1 day for venus is equal to 243 days on earth

3 The most recent mission to Venus….
The most recent mission to Venus was called the Venus Express The mission launched on November 9th 2005, and is not supposed to return to Earth until 2014. Which means it is exploring right now The name of the space probe is the Sayuz-Fragat rocket One of the more important things that it has discovered that the VPER Altitude is going down

4 So what is this planet like?
Well…….. There are NO moons that are reported or known of the are around Venus It is a rocky planet instead of being a gaseous planet. The atmosphere is thick and NOT thin, and the gas that mainly makes up Venus is carbon dioxide. The gravity on Venus compared to Earth is… Earths gravity=9.78m/s Venus’s gravity= 8.87m/s

5 How Far Away is Venus? The average distance from the sun to Venus is…
67,230,000miles The distance in AU’s? .72AU’s How long does it take Venus to revolve around the sun once? .615 earth years or once every days on Earth

6 What does Venus look like?

7 How did Venus get its name?
Venus got its name from Venus the roman goddess of love. Which in Greek is Aphrodite. In ancient times Venus was known to the Babylonians as Ishtar who was the goddess of love and also womenhood. That is how Venus got its name.

8 Why is Venus so bright? Venus is so bright because its clouds reflect most of the sunlight it recieves back into space and because it is so close to Earth.

9 What is the Greenhouse affect?
The greenhouse affect is when thermal radiation from a planet surface is absorbed by atmospheric gases and then it is re-radiated in all directions. Which makes temperatures rise.

10 Sources 1.Guthrie, Robert ?. "Greenhouse Effect." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Apr Web. 23 Apr < 2.Cain, Fraser ?. "How Did Venus Get Its Name?" Universe Today. Space and Astronomy News, 14 May Web. 23 Apr < 3.Hibbs, Al ?. "Solar System Exploration: Planets: Venus: Overview." Solar System Exploration. NASA, 6 Apr Web. 23 Apr < 4.NESTA. "Venus." Windows to the Universe. NESTA, ? Web. 23 Apr <

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