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Introduction to Psychology Class 8: Neuroscience 1 Myers: 38-51 June 22, 2006.

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1 Introduction to Psychology Class 8: Neuroscience 1 Myers: 38-51 June 22, 2006

2 Biological Psychology  A branch of psychology that concerns itself with the links between biology and behavior.  Other terms: Behavioral neuroscientist, neuropsychologist, physiological/bio- psychologist, behavioral endocrinologist etc.

3 Origins of brain-mind connection  Phrenology (1800) bumps on skull could reveal mental abilities  Phineas Gage (1848) Iron rod through skull. Changes in personality  1990’s decade of the brain: fMRI, PET

4 The Neuron  Parts  Dendrites, Body, Axon Hillock, Axon, Myelin sheath, Nodes of Ranvier, Terminal branches, Terminal Buttons, Synaptic cleft  Concepts  Action Potential, Type of signals, Threshold stimulus, All-or-None response

5 Action Potential  Resting Potential (- 70mv)  Depolarization (- 50mv threshold)  Action potential  Repolarization (back to neg charge)  Hyperpolarizaton

6 The Synapse  Cajal  Sherrington  NT  Reuptake  Agonists and antagonists

7 Neurotransmitters

8 Overview  NERVOUS SYSTEM 3 types of neurons

9 Types of Neurons  SENSORY/AFFERENT From the organ to the spinal cord (and brain)  MOTOR/EFFERENT From the spinal cord (and brain) to the organ  INTERNEURONS In between

10 Autonomic Nervous System (Sympathetic & Parasympathetic)  Internal functioning  E.g., Heartbeat, digestion,  Sympathetic: Fight or flight (adrenalin)  Parasympathetic: Resting and digesting (Back to baseline) (acetylcholine)

11 The Spinal Cord  The Reflex pathway  Pain reflex  Quadri/Paraplegia  Bilateral and depends on level of lesion in the spinal cord  Hemiplegia  Unilateral and depends on the location of lesion in brain. Usually caused by stroke.

12 The Brain  Evolutionarily evolved Brainstem Limbic System Cortex

13 Brainstem  Medulla Basic life functions  Reticular Formation Alertness arousal (anesthetics)

14 Cerebellum  Cerebellum Fine motor movements

15 Thalamus  Atop brainstem  Sensory Relay station All 5 senses except for smell

16 Limbic System (all bilateral)  Amygdala Aggression and fear; processing emotional memories  Hypothalamus Hunger, thirst, body temperature, sexual behavior Controls pituitary gland (master gland) which produced hormones Olds and Milner – pleasure centers  Hippocampus Memory consolidation (HM, memento)

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