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Alive-O 5 Lesson 10 John the Baptist Wonders- Who is the One Who is Coming?

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Presentation on theme: "Alive-O 5 Lesson 10 John the Baptist Wonders- Who is the One Who is Coming?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alive-O 5 Lesson 10 John the Baptist Wonders- Who is the One Who is Coming?

2 Jesus’ Family Tree Moses David Elizabeth & Zechariah Mary John the Baptist Jesus

3 John the Baptist tells the People to GET READY When Jesus’ cousin John grew up, he went off by himself into the wilderness of the desert.

4 He wore clothes made of camel skin, a belt around his waist.

5 He ate locusts and honey.

6 Day after day he shouted out: Be sorry for your wrongdoings. The kingdom of God is very near. Prepare the way for he who is to come.

7 Day after day many people heard John shouting and made their way out into the wilderness. What must we do to prepare? They asked.

8 You must share what you have with those who have little or nothing, he said. You must be honest in your dealings and be fair with people. And, you must begin now, TODAY. SHARE BE FAIR BE HONEST

9 As a sign that these people had left their old ways and wrongdoings behind them, and that they wanted now to enter a new way, the way of the Kingdom of God, John baptised them in the river Jordan. He became known as John the Baptist.

10 Bible Search Matthew 3:1-12 Mark 1:1-8 Luke 3:1-20 John 1:19-28

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