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CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Fall 2011 Preliminary Project List (for delivery August 2011) Instructor: Mike O’Dell.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Fall 2011 Preliminary Project List (for delivery August 2011) Instructor: Mike O’Dell."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE Senior Design I Superior Designs, Inc. Fall 2011 Preliminary Project List (for delivery August 2011) Instructor: Mike O’Dell

2 1 Smart Fitness Trainer  Develop a system for Xbox 360, Wii or similar gaming device that simulates a personal fitness trainer  Uses image analysis/sensors to detect player’s position and movements and provides instructions/commands.  Monitors activity level, heart rate, etc and gives real-time feedback.  Sponsor: TBD (prior SD student recommendation)

3 1 Nerf Harassment Drone  Develop a wireless ground vehicle equipped with a Nerf blaster (like a tank)  Use both a forward facing and barrel mounted camera to view vehicle direction and blaster aim point.  Software allows viewing both video streams and operation of the vehicle autonomously and/or with a joystick  Sponsor: GTA or CSE Vision lab

4 1 Air Guitar Game  Develop a vision system using Kinect/ cameras that plays air guitar  Vision processing software capture “moves” and scores player at end of session.  Software allows live viewing, playback and detailed scoring review  Sponsor: GTA or CSE Vision lab

5 1 “Safe” Medicine Dispenser  Develop a safe/locker that store prescription medicines and dispenses appropriate dosage upon facial recognition.  Use vision processing to capture, store and recognize authorized user(s)  Software allows administrator to change medicines, dosages, etc. from remote location, and record dispensing/refilling.  Sponsor: GTA or CSE Heracleia lab

6 1 RoboMagellan Competition  Develop system to compete in ground vehicle competition  Design and build an outdoor robot that navigates from point to point  GPS marks start and end points.  Software controls robot and avoids natural obstacles along the path  Sponsor: GTA or CSE Vision lab

7 1 Voice-Operated Tread Mill  Design and develop a system that controls a treadmill based on voice commands.  Interface voice control device with “standard” treadmill mechanical controls (e.g. speed and incline)  Include safety override commands  Sponsor: Marcus Oladell (or possibly a sports equipment manufacturer)

8 1 Directional Sound Receiver  Design and develop a system consisting of an array of omni-directional microphones.  Adjust delays in the audio streams from microphones to reinforce sound/suppress noise.  Develop user interface to monitor and control speaker selection.  Potential application: speaker selection in a conference room/meeting  Sponsor: UTA Lab??

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