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Export Meeting 1 BY. 2 Agenda Sales Analysis How can you develop & improve your turn-over? How can you improve the perceived value and stay focus?

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Presentation on theme: "Export Meeting 1 BY. 2 Agenda Sales Analysis How can you develop & improve your turn-over? How can you improve the perceived value and stay focus?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Export Meeting 1 BY

2 2 Agenda Sales Analysis How can you develop & improve your turn-over? How can you improve the perceived value and stay focus?

3 Export Meeting 3 Sales Analysis 2008 CABLOFIL Best Sellers : EZ Surface Treatment (75%) Carbon steel is more “Flow Oriented”, Stainless Steel is “Project Oriented” CF54 (81%) From which, 80% is coming from CF54/50 to CF54/300 Wire Mesh Cable Tray sales increased by 5% in quantity in 2008 (20% in 2007) Accessories sales increased by 15% in 2008 (5% in 2007) 2008PGEZGC304L316LTotal KmMix % CF30 121 2893256351 42410% CF54 2078 4161 20354813010 50475% CF80 022000 0% CF105 090212057131 0928% CF150 083500881% PCF / FCF 5338436564843% Autres 1192502237124413% Total Km 39111 3451 41870519614 056 Mix % 3%81%10%5%1%

4 Export Meeting 4 Sales Analysis 2008 AustrBNLCzhPolDnkGermUKItalyEspMxqUSAFraChinaRusSEAOtherCF IntICMKZ PG0% 1%0% 8%0% 2%3%9% GC19%10%5%7%25%11%1%4%22%38%3%11%25%9%2%9%10% 12% EZ74%77%90%83%71%49%98%83%73%60%87%76%60%89%81%83%81% 78% 316L7%1%3%2%4%1% 0% 3%2%5%1%2% 1%0% 304L0%12%2%8%0%38%0%12%5%2%7%3%10%1%15%6%5% 1% Germany 475 Kms 5.490 M€ UK : 2.070 Kms 9.905 M€

5 Export Meeting 5 Agenda Sales Analysis How can you develop & improve your turn-over? How can you improve the perceived value and stay focus?

6 Export Meeting 6 Develop & Improve your Turn-Over Make right choices regarding your market : Improve your mix between Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel (in parallel of your pricing management) Target your niches/verticals EZ  data centers, commercial center, schools, public places GC  metro, tunnels, infrastructures, cement industries 304L  food industries, shipyards, waste & water treatments 316L  chemical industries, off-shore platform, white rooms Don’t forget to sell value added products : Improve the numbers of accessories sold per Km of cable trays Propose FAS products – Fast Assembling System  SPECIFICATION, SPECIFICATION, SPECIFICATION

7 Export Meeting 7 Develop & Improve your Turn-Over Few examples : Italy increased its turn-over (+8% to 9 M€)  Kms : -3%  accessories : +6%Price increase : +6% Denmark increased its turn-over (+100% to 3 M€)  Kms : +7%  accessories : +12%Price increase : +13% Germany decreased its turn-over (-4% to 5,5 M€)  Kms : -6%  accessories : -3%Price increase : +5% Austria decreased its turn-over (-15% to 0,5 M€)  Kms : +0%  accessories : +15%Price increase : +20% The food industry focus has been forgotten, stainless steel mix decreased to EZ

8 Export Meeting 8 Agenda Sales Analysis How can you develop & improve your turn-over? How can you improve the perceived value and stay focus?

9 Export Meeting 9 Marketing Tools Results 2008 Internal20072008∆ % Number of sending2024+ 20% Number of contacts419466+ 11% External 20072008∆ % Number of sending 611+ 83% Number of contacts1 20118 826N/S News Letters International News Letters launch – April 2008) WebSites New CABLOFIL website launch – beginning June 2008 20072008∆ % Number of WebSites7086+ 23% Number of Languages1625+ 56% Number of Visitors ≈ 282 000395 820+ 29% Number of Pages Viewed 4 416 2665 637 120+ 29% Contacts5 1006 132+ 20%

10 Export Meeting 10 CabloTrainings 6 trainings in France (61 persons) 1 training in Spain (26 persons) Communication Session Limoges (≈90 persons) 2 incentives seminars References Books 2006 - 2008 315 projects referenced Marketing Tools Results 2008 Market Niches Folders 6 niches :Heavy Industries Metro & Trains Tunnels Shipyards Offshore Industries Nuclear

11 Export Meeting 11 Demo Kit 350 delivered in 2008 Branding Management « CABLOFIL by LEGRAND » EZ-Path Kit Launched in September 2008 Promo Kit 2 500 delivered in 2008 Marketing Tools Results 2008

12 Export Meeting 12 Promotional Tools Totem, flags, calendars, display boards, Ads, folders Technical Guide French, Portuguese/Brazilian, Icelandic Legrand (Spain) Mounting Guide + CD-Rom Universal 2009 BTicino (Mexico) Tariffs (France, UK, Germany) Promotional Objects CABLOFIL 2009 New video Web Version Version 16/9 th K&Z 2009 New video Web Version Version 16/9 th Promotional Movies Movies available since 2008 Marketing Tools Results 2008

13 Export Meeting 13 New Products Launches 2009 Products CABLOFIL  « Span 3000 »  Wire Mesh Cable Tray with reinforced dividers for modular buildings Co-Engineering  Plexo by CABLOFIL  Colson by CABLOFIL

14 Export Meeting 14 Technical & Specification Tools Launch of the CABLO-CAD (may 2009) Deployment of a design office Market niches folders Sustainable energies E30-E90 / fire resistance Food Hospitals Data Centers Cement Industries Waste and Water Treatment Data / Heavy Industry Brochures New Technical Guide Demo  Specification Tools 2009

15 Export Meeting 15 Energy Saving Tests 2009 CABLOFIL ® : the 90% open structure Natural ventilation of the cables Less losses of joule effects No retention of dust that heat the cables A reducing cost design Energy saving tests: Compare the different systems of cable management Quantify the energy saving Organize into a hierarchy the solutions Develop a competitive advantage certified by the LCIE Create a sales argument Action for sustainable development

16 Export Meeting 16 A supplementary consumption that can go over 50%! A noticeable difference with all types of cable trays Energy saving tests 2009

17 Export Meeting 17 Intranet 2009 Sales Tools An Intranet platform dedicated to CABLOFIL under Dialeg A dynamic and collaborative tool 5 main themes : CABLOFIL Market Information Products Technical Information Sales Tools And also : Internal communication, News, Newsletters, Training, Software, Marketing Resources, FAQ, Forum…

18 Export Meeting 18 E-Catalogue 2009 Integrated to the WPC DataBase Co-development Legrand / CABLOFIL Beta Version under tests / Final Version available March 2009 Functionalities : Search Favorites HD Images Movies 5 languages Request for quotation … In a near future : Countries / Catalogs adaptations Mobile Version Multilingual … Demo 

19 Export Meeting 19 EZ-Path High-Class Firestop Device Results & Objectives Action Plan 2009 Open new markets with high potential Germany, Scandinavia, ECO Zone Reinforced the specification specifiers, End Users Major problem Long Expensive certification to obtain Dificult 200720082009 Budget300 K€400K€900K€ Realized303K€488K€ Units1 7252 7634 178 ASP176€177€215€ Opened markets To open

20 Export Meeting 20 EZ-Path High-Class Firestop Device A strong specification product Favorites Segments Datacenters Hospitals Banks Airports Projects running: (> 4000 modules) EZhD : (1000units) Russian Telecommunication Network for trains installations Infrabel : (1400 units) Belgium SNCB Building Mexican Government : (704 units) Datacenters SIELV : (993 units) Diesel Headquarter in Italy

21 Export Meeting 21

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