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Recent BESII Results of Charmonium Decays Gang LI CCAST&IHEP, Beijing for Ψ(2S) Group Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2005: Heavy Flavor.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent BESII Results of Charmonium Decays Gang LI CCAST&IHEP, Beijing for Ψ(2S) Group Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2005: Heavy Flavor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent BESII Results of Charmonium Decays Gang LI CCAST&IHEP, Beijing for Ψ(2S) Group Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2005: Heavy Flavor Physics August 13- 17, 2005

2 Outline  Introduction   cJ Study   ’ Decay to Multihadrons  Summary

3 Introduction  P-wave charmonium decays  c0,  c1,  c2 3M 14M 6.42 pb -1 data at Ecm=3.65 GeV for continuum study. 4M 2001.Nov.01to 2002.Mar.02

4  cJ Study --- Motivation 1.Compared with J/ , relative little is known about P-wave triplet  cJ (J=0,1,2) decays, more data on exclusive decays of them are important for understanding of the nature of  cJ. 2. The decays of  cJ, in particular  c0 and  c2, provide a direct window on glueball dynamics in 0 ++ and 2 ++, as the  cJ hadronic decays may proceed via ccbar  gg  qqbar qqbar 3. PWA is an excellent tool to investigate the intermediate resonant decay account for the interferences when calculating Brs.

5 Partial Wave Analysis of  c0      K  K   cJ Study (I)

6 1.  Q i = 0 ; 2. p(   )+p(   ) > 650 MeV [BG:  ’      J/  ]; 3. Prob(      K  K  )> Prob(          )& Prob(      K  K  )> Prob(  K  K  K  K  ); 4. M(     )  [497±50] MeV/c 2 & second vertex <5mm [BG: K S ]; Event level  c0      K  K  Avoid introducing a huge number of partial waves and also limited by statistics; our study is devoted to  c0      K  K  1371 events  c0  c1 (3511.3±1.3MeV)  c0 (3414.7±0.6MeV)  c2 (3556.4±0.9MeV) 5 C-fit dot with error bar :data

7 In our final fit, all these partial waves have been included, together with their interferences. For convenience of narration, we are to describe following decay modes one by one: 1.(     )( K  K  ) 2.(K    )(K    ) 3.(K   ) K

8 1371 events (     )( K  K  ) f 0 (1710) f 0 (2200) f 0 (980) f 0 (1370)  (770)  S:change in log likelihood

9 S.Flatte, Phys. Lett. B 63(1976)224; B.S.Zou &D.V.Bugg, Phys. Rev. D48(1993)R3948 Flatte formula :  i (s)=sqrt(1-4m 2 i /s) : phase space factor for     &K  K  ; g i : squares of coupling constants to     &K  K  ; [ B.S.Zou &D.V.Bugg, Phys. Rev. D48(1993)R3948 ]: M=0.9535; g 1 =0.1108 GeV; g 2 =0.4229 GeV; For , formula once used by BES in analysis of J/        [ PLB598(2004)149-158] Other resonance s Breit-Wigner formula : (     )( K  K  )

10 Positive values indicate poorer fits Bad fit without scalar indicates that a scalar f 0 (2200) decays to K  K  is needed around 2.2 GeV. (     )( K  K  )

11 Results BES IIPDG2004 resonance Mass (M) and Width (  ) [unit:MeV] resonance Mass (M) and Width (  ) [unit:MeV] f 0 (1370)M:1265±30(+20–35)f 0 (1370)M:1200~1500  : 350±100(+105–60)  : 200 ~500 f 0 (1710)M:1760±15(+15–10)f 0 (1710)M:1714±5  : 125±25(+10–15)  : 140±10 f 0 (2200)M:2170±20(+15–10)  : 220±60(+10–15) Significance : 5. 3  Significance : 7. 1  Significance : 6. 5 

12 (K    )(K    ) 1371 events BW formula: with: m: mass of K  system; m 0 : mass of resonance;  0 resonance width; p: momentum of K in K  system; p 0 : p evaluated at resonance mass; r=3.4: Interaction radius[D.Aston et al., NPB296(1988)493] K* 0 (1430) K* 0 (1950) K*(892) 0

13 Results BES II PDG2004 resonance Mass (M) and Width (  ) [unit:MeV] resonance Mass (M) and Width (  ) [unit:MeV] K* 0 (1430)M:1455 ± 20 (+15 – 15)K* 0 (1430)M:1412 ± 6  : 270 ± 45 (+30 – 35)  : 294 ± 23 K* 0 (1950)M:1945 ± 30K* 0 (1950)M:1945 ± 10 ± 20  : ~500  : 201 ± 34 ± 79  #: 201 (fix to PDG in fit) Significance : 7. 1  Significance : 7. 2  Significance : 8. 7  (K    )(K    )

14 (K   )K 1371 events M(K  )  [896±60] M(   )  [700,800] K 1 (1270) K 1 (1400) K 1 (1279): S-wave BW K 1 (1400): S-wave BW 90% C.L. K 1 (1270)

15 Strange axial meson mixing (K   )K K 1 (1270) =K A sin  K + K B cos  K, K 1 (1400) = K A cos  K – K B sin  K, K A = K 1 (1270) sin  K + K 1 (1400) cos  K, K B = K 1 (1270) cos  K – K 1 (1400) sin  K, Here is an interesting problem involving K 1 (1270), K 1 (1400), that is the mixing of the two strange axial mesons In the quark model, there are two ground-state axial vector nonets, one is ( 3 P 1 ) state (K A ), the other is ( 1 P 1 ) state (K B ). For a strange quark mass is greater than those of up and down quarks, so SU(3) is broken which lead to mixing of K A and K B states to give a physical K 1 state: viz. or In SU(3) limit, only K A couples to the weak current, and the degenerated two octets before mixing lead to mixing angle (  K )equal to 45° which means that there should be equal amount of K 1 (1270) and K 1 (1400). Flavor-SU(3)-violating of K 1 (1270) -K 1 (1400) asymmetry is observed. However, our PWA yields : K 1 (1270)  K  [Br:(42±6)%] signal of 68.3±11.0 events; K 1 (1400)  K*  [Br:(94±6)%] signal of 19.7±6.9 events;

16 Strange axial meson mixing (K   )K Another interesting problem here is about the mixing angle  K. According to present BES results, the mixing angle  K >57º for  c0 More interesting fact is from  decay. By virtue of   K 1 measurement together with relativized quark model estimation, the mixing angle should be within a range: –35º<  K <45º at 68% C.L. [H.G.Blundell et al.,PRD53,3712(1996)] But according to previous BES results,  K <29º for  [PRL83,1918(1999)]  K >48º for J/  [PRL83,1918(1999)] All discrepancies displayed here indicate that more further theoretical and experimental works are needed.

17 Summary of PWA of  c0      K  K  Events: (1371-29) ; efficiency: (5.85 ± 0.01)% CLEO:PRD70, 112002(2004) B(K*(892)  K  )=100% = BES:PRD70, 09002(2004) B(  ’    c0   f 0 (980) f 0 (980)           ) =(6.5 ± 1.6 ± 1.3)  10 –5 B(  ’    c0 )=(9.22 ± 0.11 ± 0.46)  10 –3

18 Summary of PWA of  c0      K  K  (con’t) From these  c0      K  K  fit results, it is found that scalar resonances have larger decay fractions compared to those of tensors, and such decays provide a relatively clean laboratory to study the properties of scalars, i.e. f 0 (980),f 0 (1370),f 0 (1710), f 0 (2200), K* 0 (1430), and so forth. B(  ’    c0 )=(9.22 ± 0.11 ± 0.46)  10 –3 CLEO:PRD70,112002(2004)

19 First evidence of  c0, c2   cJ Study (II)

20 Kinematic fit  6-C fit is required, the additional 2-C is that two pair photons all satisfy M  =M  0, Furthermore,  2 (6C)<12 Prob(6C)> Prob(7C) is added if N  >5 so that the background from the potential  0,2   +    0  0 can be suppressed.  Removing the recoil J/  events by minimizing |M  +  - (recoil)-M J/  |, the recoiling mass of the candidate pion pair can’t fall into J/  peak region(3.08-3.12GeV). Event selection Some distributions in  0,2  from data Sideband region: 200 MeV wide around  peak Event level Signal region    c0  c2

21  0  +    0  +    0  5  4  (  =1.66%) MC simulation    c0

22 Fit mass spectrum No obvious signal is found in sideband. M(  c0 )=3420.1±9.0MeV M(  c2 )=3553.3±11.9MeV (BW fit ;width fixed)  c0  c2 Background sideband N(  c0 )= 38.1  9.9 Sif. 4.4  N(  c2 )= 27.7  7.4 Sif. 4.7  (Mass & width fixed) dot with error bar :data The signal is described by BW convoluted with double-Gaussian obtained from MC simulations and background shape is determined by sideband shape.

23 Summary of  c0, c2  decay We first observed  0,2  decay and measure their branching ratios. We did not see obvious evidence below 3.2 GeV energy region.

24  ’ decay to Multihadrons  ’  3(  +  - )  ’   +  -  0 K + K -

25  Strong decay of  ’  3(  +  - ) suppressed due to G-parity violation.  e+e-  3(  +  - ) EM process (continuum contribution) will be estimated by off- resonance data @3.65 GeV.  X-sections @3.65 & 3.686 GeV give the EM form factor for 3(  +  - ) state.  BR of J/   2(  +  - ) determined via  ’   +  - J/ , J/   2(  +  - ).  ’  3(  +  - )

26 ψ’  π + π - J/ ψ, J/ψ  2(π + π - ) bkgd removed by requiring 3.06< <3.14 GeV M ππ 4C fit for ψ’  π + π - π + π - π + π - ψ’  KsKs π + π - bkgd removed by requiring 2 π + π - pairs satisfying 0.47<M ππ<0.53 GeV PRD71(2005)072006 Ks bkgd J/  bkgd

27  ’  3(  +  - ) ψ’  3(π + π - ) @3.686 GeV Histogram = signal MC@3.686 GeV + continuum @3.65 GeV Hatched histogram = e + e -  3(π + π - ) DT@3.65 GeV 4C fit for π + π - π + π - π + π - final state e + e -  3(π + π - ) @3.65 GeV Histogram = MC simulation

28 BR of J/   2(  +  - ) Systematic error reduced by comparing 2 processes: Difference between MC & DT due to the simulation of error matrix in track fitting. Taken into account in systematic error. Confidence level distribution for kinematic fitting of    +  - J/ ,   2(  +  - )

29  ’  3(  +  - ) RESULTS  ’  3(  +,  - ), J/   2(  +,  - ) BRs measured with improved accuracies. B[  ’  3 (  +,  - )]= (5.45  0.42  0.87) x 10 –4 greater than Mark I result (1.5  1.0) x 10 –4 {PRD17(1978)1731} B[J/   2(  +,  - )]= (3.53  0.12  0.29) x 10 –3 consistent with Mark I result (4.0  1.0) x 10 –3 {PRL 36(1976291} and BaBar result (3.61  0.26  0.26) x 10 –3 { hep-ex/0502025 } pQCD 12% rule tested. Q[3(  +,  - ) ]= (14  8)% Q[2(  +,  - ) ]= (13  3)% Form factors for e + e -  3(  +,  - ) at Ecm=3.65, 3.686 GeV determined F 3.65 [3(  +,  - ) ] = 0.19  0.02 F 3.686 [3(  +,  - ) ] = 0.24  0.02

30  ’  +  -  0 K + K - PID for π and K 4C kinematic fit for  ’  +  - γγK + K - | -3.096 | >0.05 GeV/c to reject  ’  +  - J/  removed by identifying Ks  +  - Fit M(γγ) to obtain  ’  +  -  0 K + K - evts. Mγγ @ Ecm=3.686 GeV Mγγ @ Ecm=3.65 GeV  0 : 698  41 evts.  0 : 35  7 evts Preliminary

31  ’  ωK + K - | Mγγ – 0.135 | <0.03 GeV/c 2 to select  ’  +  -  0 K + K - evts.  ’  ωK + K - evts are obtained by fitting M(  +  -  0 ). M(  +  -  0 ) @ Ecm=3.686 GeV M (  +  -  0 ) @ Ecm=3.65 GeV Preliminary ω: 78  11 evts. ω: evts.@68.3% C.L.evts.@68.3%

32  ’  ωf 0 (1710) Dalitz plot for  ’  ωK + K - candidates M(K + K - ) for  ’  ωK + K - candidates Preliminary  ’  ωf 0 (1710) 18.9  6.2 evts.

33  ’  +  -  0 K + K - Preliminary results ChannelB Ψ’  h (10 -4 )B J/Ψ  h (10 -4 ) Q h (%) K+K-π+π-π0K+K-π+π-π0 12.4  1.8 120  2810.3  2.9 ωK+K-ωK+K- 2.38  0.47 16.8  2.114.2  3.4 ω f 0 (1710)  ωK + K - 0.59  0.22 6.6  1.3 8.9  3.8

34 The PWA on  c0      K  K  in  ’    c0 decay is preformed. We fit the significant contributions from f 0 (980) f 0 (980), f 0 (980) f 0 (2200), f 0 (1370) f 0 (1710), K * (892) 0 K * (892) 0, K * 0 (1430) K * 0 (1430), K * 0 (1430) K * 2 (1430) +c.c. Flavor-SU(3)-violating of K 1 (1270)-K 1 (1400) asymmetry is observed and the mixing angle between two strange axial mesons is determined to be greater than 57 degree. First observed  c0, c2  decay and their branching ratios are measured. Summary

35 BRs of  ’  3(  +  – ), J/  2(  +  – ) with improved accuracy. F[3(  +  – )] determined at Ecm=3.65, 3.686 GeV. BRs of  ’   +  –  0 K + K – ;  ωK + K – ;  ωf 0 (1710)  ωK + K – with improved accuracy. Summary ( cont’d )

36 Thanks a lot !

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