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Programming Seminar 2009 Night 0. Why we’re holding this seminar You’re probably not a computer science major – Or even anything remotely close (e.g.

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Presentation on theme: "Programming Seminar 2009 Night 0. Why we’re holding this seminar You’re probably not a computer science major – Or even anything remotely close (e.g."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programming Seminar 2009 Night 0

2 Why we’re holding this seminar You’re probably not a computer science major – Or even anything remotely close (e.g. EE) We think that programming is an important skill – Useful (sometimes) – Interesting (often) This will be a combination of practice, theory, and examples.

3 What I’m assuming about you You have (almost) no experience writing code of any sort. The words [“syntax”, “variable”, ”function”] might mean something. – If you took certain math or linguistics courses. The methodology for building a program (or parts of it) is somewhat mysterious

4 So what is a “program” anyway? A number A set of instructions and data – For a computer to execute Human-readable source code – Readable for some humans, anyway A (hopefully) consistent way to accomplish some task

5 Enter Python Python is a new, friendly, language with an amazing library of functionality Most of the text is English, with a few abbreviations and some other characters We will be using Python 3 – Unless the computers really don’t want to, in which case we will be using Python 2.6 Or in the case they don’t have that either, Python 2.5

6 Let’s get started! The first item for action is running the Python interpreter. – Or perhaps IDLE, a Python IDE You can do this by finding Python in the system menu, or by starting a terminal and typing “python” If you see a line beginning with >>>, you are fine. All together? Good.

7 As tradition dictates… Type >>> print(“Hello World!”) And Python prints “Hello World!” to the console window. – Don’t you feel accomplished? Here’s what you’ve learned: >>> print(“(something)”) prints (something) You can put two strings together with +

8 On Statements In general, code falls into one of four categories: – Declaration – saying that something exists – Assignment – telling the program to remember a value – Definition – detailing how something works – Control – ordering the program what to do next

9 Assignments Try telling Python >>> sentence = “Arma virumque cano” >>> print(sentence) This does exactly what you might expect >>> print(“Arma virumque cano”) Both print the first few words of the Aeneid – If you didn’t expect this, what did you expect? Every time I say you might have expected something, please speak up if you didn’t!

10 Assignments, continued Try >>> x = 3 >>> print(x * x) – You might have guessed that this prints the number 9 to the console What do you think these lines do? >>> x = 4 >>> y = 3 >>> print(x * y – (x + y))

11 So Python can do math… Congratulations! Your computer can be used as a (very expensive) calculator. Most arithmetic operators make sense – + - / * – This works for real numbers (e.g. 1.56), as well. Quick! What is 1234*9876?

12 …But programming math is (generally) not real math If you say “x = 5” when proving that the natural numbers are in bijection with the rationals, x is always 5. In Python (and most other programming languages) >>> x = 5 >>> x = 6 >>> print(“x = “ + x) prints 6

13 Assignment is storage Remember when I said that assignment tells the program to remember a value? >>> x = 5 tells Python “x has the value 5” – And x holds the number 5 But this value can change. >>> x = x + 1 increases the value of x from 5 to 6.

14 Wait – what!? x = x + 1 doesn’t even make sense! – Subtract x from both sides and you get 0 = 1. But remember, programming “math” is not math x = x + 1 can be read – “Increment x by 1” – Find the value I previously assigned to x. Add 1 to it. Now assign the new value to x.

15 Other ways to assign >>> word = “coconut” tells Python to remember that word represents the value “coconut” Which variables represent what ? – What is the output? >>> pi = 3.14 >>> radius = 5 >>> area = pi * radius * radius >>> print(area)

16 So what good is any of this? It gets a little more interesting when we have user input We do this with the input() function. – In previous versions it was raw_input() We can make programs interactive! >>> name = input(“What is your name?”) >>> print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)

17 Okay, but no program I’ve even used does only one thing every time I run it Good point. Enter Control statements Conditional execution: – If condition is true, do something, otherwise do something else – While condition, do something, and continue to do that something until condition is false. – For each item in a collection, do something

18 If statements >>> number = int(input(“Enter a number: ”)) >>> if number > 0: >>>print(“A square with side length”, number, “ has area ”, number * number) >>> else: >>>print(“I need a positive number!”) The general format is if condition: do_something() else: do_something_else()

19 For statements >>> for item in (2,3,5,7,11,13): >>> print(item * item, “ has and odd number of factors.” ) The general form is for var in collection: do_something()

20 A few more examples… >>> limit = int(input(“Give me an upper limit: ”)) >>> if limit < 0: >>>print(“Too low!”) >>> elif limit > 50: >>>print(“Too high!”) >>> else: >>>for i in range(limit): >>>print(i, “squared is ”, i*i)

21 …examples >>> sentence = input(“A sentence, please”) >>> words = 1 >>> for c in sentence: >>>if c == ‘ ’: >>>words = words + 1 >>> print(“The sentence you entered had”, words, “words”)

22 Your turn! Write a program to count the number of vowels in a sentence which the user inputs Write a guessing game that gives the player 5 chances to guess a number correctly – We will make the number’s selection random later Write a simple calculator; that is, a program which asks for two numbers and whether it should add, subtract, multiply, or divide them. The program should then output the calculation and its result.

23 More about modules As previously stated, Python has an extensive, useful library of functionality Some of this functionality is included by default – E.g. abs(), print(), range(),… The rest is in a number of modules – Math-related stuff is in the math module. >>>import math >>>print(math.sqrt(5))

24 Modules, continued Can also import specific functions >>> import cos from math >>> from math import atan There is a module for almost everything – Want to enter passwords? Import getpass – Want OS functionality? Import os, sys – Want to handle options passed on the command line? Import optparse

25 On Functions Certain pieces of code that are used repeatedly in a succinct fashion Input(), split(), abs(), print() Functions run specified code every time we “call” them.

26 Programming is not Math, revisited Programming functions are not like math functions! – The return value can change Input() rarely returns the same result – Functions often do some action each time we “call” them Print() prints output to the screen – We don’t evaluate functions, we “call” them to do their job

27 Defining a Function >>> def name(arguments): >>>…actions… Here is an example: >>> def square(n): >>>print(n*n)

28 Your turn, once more Create a function that will print a row of n stars (*), with n passed as an argument Use this function to create a function that will print an isosceles right triangle of stars Write a function fib(n), which prints the n th Fibonacci number. The first and second Fibonacci numbers are both considered to be 1 – Do not use recursion, if you know what it is.

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