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Technology transfer at Institute of Agricultural Technique "Mecagro" - A detailed study to identify the optimal organisational design for technology transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology transfer at Institute of Agricultural Technique "Mecagro" - A detailed study to identify the optimal organisational design for technology transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology transfer at Institute of Agricultural Technique "Mecagro" - A detailed study to identify the optimal organisational design for technology transfer department Author: Popa Grigore Academic Supervisor: Prof. Volentir Ivan

2 Objectives 1 Structure 2 Data gathering 3 2

3 3 The thesis conceptualisation After the fall the Soviet Union most industry segments have collapsed more or less. Paradigm shift after 1990 led to underfunding agricultural research institutes, due to invasion of new products from other markests and due to pronounced disinterest of agricultural producers for innovation The main problems agricultural research institutes are - Underfunding -Aging of researchers staff -Lack of market demand for ARI innovative products and research -Obsolette equipment -Ineffective market strategies for IP

4  Analyzing of the current situation of the institute Mecagro and research system in agriculture as whole  Identifying of weaknesses and organizational errors comparing with other institute experience in countries with similar background  Finding an optimal organizational structure and tools for technology transfer  Study the possibility of EU market sinchronisation 4 Objectives 1

5 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical analysis 2.1 Technological transfer – theoretical review 2.2 Moldavian legislation and and post sovietic issues related to the innovation 2.3 External experience 3. Empirical study 3.1 Mecagro history and tehnological activity 3.2 Delimitation betwen agricultural aspect of inovation and industrial issues 3.3 Patent Analysis 3.4 Analysis of others agricultural research institutes in Moldova. 4. Solutions 5 Structure of the thesis 2

6  Mecagro reports  Internet portals  IST data base (technology transfer in industry).  AGEPI datatbase  Books: - Agricultural research and technology transfer, I Arnon, ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD) - THE RUSSIAN INNOVATION SYSTEM – AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE, Philippe Krott, Lappeenranta 2008, 106 p. - Baldini, Nicola (2006), “The Act on inventions at public research institutions: Danish universities’ patenting activity”, Scientometrics, - EVALUAREA SISTEMULUI DE CERCETĂRI, ÎNVĂŢĂMÎNT ŞI INSTRUIRE ÎN AGRICULTURĂ, 14 noiembrie, 2007 - STRATEGIA DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE A REPUBLICII MOLDOVA PÎNĂ ÎN 2020 6 Data gathering 3


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