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0 Revision of Recommendation 6 Working Group Plenary meeting Geneva, January 2005.

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1 0 Revision of Recommendation 6 Working Group Plenary meeting Geneva, January 2005

2 1 1)Welcome and participants introduction 2)Reporting on UN/CEFACT Forum and project approval (UNECE) 3)Present state of implementation and use of Recommendation 6 in Norway (Bjørn Aasheim) 4)List of issues tied to revision of Recommendation 6 (Gordon Cragge) 5)Invoice data content aVAT/sales tax requirements (PwC) bBusiness requirements (SwissDigin) cFinancial processing requirements (AD Little) dThe Finnish Invoice (Jari Salo) eObservations by Group Members fList of issues Meeting agenda 1/2

3 2 6)Sealing aDigital signatures and other sealing mechanisms (PwC) bThe case in Finland (Jari Salo) cObservations by Group Members dList of issues 7)Invoice for trade in services aObservations by Group Members bList of issues 8)Action plan and milestones aObservations by Group Members bList of issues 9)Any other business Meeting agenda 2/2

4 3 A UN “umbrella” to help make electronic invoicing happen.... UN/CEFACT and “external” experts Government Representative and Institutions IATA ABI SAP Microsoft …. CEN EU DG Enterprise EU DG Tax UNCITRAL....... PWC swissDIGIN Arthur D. Little Fin-invoice SITPRO TBG 1 BRS …… Revise the existing UN/CEFACT Recommendation 6 on the Invoice for International Trade, adapting it to the business and regulatory requirements of e-invoicing Key stakeholders for the implementation

5 4 …covering the different issues… Tax and legal issuesReconciliationPayment & Financing Define what data elements are necessary to make automatic invoice reconciliation with other commercial documents possible Objective Presentation swissDIGIN Jari Salo Legal aspects on authenticity of the origin and integrity of the content; to define “how” a business should pursue its obligation to electronically “send” and “store” the invoice. Analyze the data content requirements from a VAT/Sales Tax perspective Objective Presentation PricewaterhouseCoopers Define what what information must be present so that financial institutions are able to process the invoice as effectively as possible Objective Presentation Arthur D. Little PLUS  analysis of Recommendation 6 issues and state of implementation (Gordon, Bjørn,..)

6 5 AprilMay Recommendation review (draft) Develop and review recommendation “blocks” Consolidate blocks Activity a limited time frame Define deliverables and set up a calendar of sub-group conference calls and (possibly) a pre- release meeting

7 6 Recommendation Draft the recommendation, Create consensus from key stakeholders, Promote pilot implementations (IATA,…) Create market awareness of value of invoicing recommendation Get endorsement from regulators Get endorsement from key ERP vendors as compliant with recommendation Identify communities for implementation (large buyers, industrial districts,…) Identify key events (Industry Forums, ETSI Plugtest,…) Have key project implementations up and running Understand how it can be implemented Implement it To implement the recommendation…

8 7 April-MayJune- SeptemberOctober-December Review Recommendation 6 Recommendation Fine Tuning and analysis for implementation Implementation Milestones Deliverables Activities that will be implemented with larger stakeholder base Preliminary Draft of Racommendation 6 Revised version of Recommendation 6 Workshop on E-Invoicing Presentation of E-Invoicing Initiative …it could be useful to aggregate other stakeholders…

9 8 … interested in seeing e-invoicing happen Big companies Understanding issues and requirement of both large companies and small and medium enterprises that have trade relationships with them Banking institutions Understanding issues related to financing and payments processes involved in trade activities PlayersAchievable objectives IT providers Identifying technological issues/constraints related to information handling and processing Institutional organisations Assuring political and social objectives to the initiatives Business Communities Understanding a broad range of business requirements Competence Centres Accessing to best-in-class tools, methodologies and skills

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