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Guidelines for Effective Lesson Planning Original Power Point from:

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2 Guidelines for Effective Lesson Planning Original Power Point from: Edited by Traci Johnston, Cindy Randolph, and Trude Puckett

3  The Infant Toddler Frameworks and the Frameworks for Three and Four Year Olds is where we need to start.

4  Choose the benchmark that relates to the task/activity you want to measure.  What do you want to observe a child doing if they have met/accomplished this benchmark?

5  As you write measureable objectives, you should remember the following :

6  Measureable objectives guide the use of instructional activities

7  Measureable objectives guide the selection of the materials you choose.

8 learning outcomes for students,  Measureable objectives focus on learning outcomes for students,  NOT actions by the teacher.

9  Measureable objectives are stated in terms of observable student outcomes.  Children will understand the parts of a book.  This is NOT a statement of an observable outcome.  “Understand” is a verb that cannot be measured objectively.

10  The child will name the parts of a book when pointed to by the teacher 9 out of 10 times.  This is a statement of an observable outcome.

11 assessmentevaluation Measureable objectives determine assessment and evaluation.

12  Each objective will contain four parts. ABCD  It’s as easy as ABCD!  Audience  Behavior  Condition  Degree

13  The audience is always the individual(s) for whom you are writing the objective.  This should be explicitly stated in your objective.  Only include one audience in each objective.  Examples:  The child will…  The infant will…  The toddler will...  The preschooler will…  The kindergartener will…

14  The infant will make eye contact with the caregiver’s face when the caregiver talks 8 out of 10 times. (4.4.A)  The toddler will  The toddler will point to an object in a book when the caregiver names the object 7 out of 10 times. (6.3.B)  The preschooler will name an object in a book when the caregiver points to the object 8 out of 10 times. (3.3 and 3.4)

15  The behavior is always a verb/action that you can measure or observe objectively.  Never use verbs like “learn, understand, comprehend” because they are hard to measure.  Only include one behavior in each objective.  Bloom’s Taxonomy should be used to make sure you are choosing behaviors that promote different levels of learning.

16  Knowledge/Remembering  Recalls previously learned information Knowledge Behaviors/Verbs/Actions Count Define Draw Find Identify Label Match Name Quote Recall Recite Record Select State Tell Sequence Write List Describe View Read

17  Comprehension/Understanding  Comprehends/Understands the meaning of instructions or problems Comprehension Behaviors/Verbs/Actions Classify Cite Conclude Describe Discuss Estimate Explain Report Give examples Illustrate Locate Restate Review Summarize

18  Application/Applying  Apply what has been learned in a new situation Application Behaviors/Verbs/Actions Apply Change Choose Demonstrate Discover Dramatize Illustrate Interpret Manipulate Operate Practice Predict Prepare Produce Show Sketch Solve Write

19  Analysis/Analyzing  Separates materials or concepts into an organized structure that is understood  Distinguishes between facts and opinions Analyze Behaviors/Verbs/Actions AnalyzeCategorizeClassifyCompare ContrastExamineExperiment Identify IllustrateModelQuestionSelect Separate

20  Synthesis/Creating  Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure Synthesis Behaviors/Verbs/Actions Arrange Categorize Collect Combine Construct Create Design Develop Explain Plan Prepare Recreate Reorganize Rewrite Summarize Tell Write

21  Evaluation/Evaluating  Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials Evaluation Behaviors/Verbs/Actions Choose Compare Conclude Contrast Describe Estimate Evaluate Explain Interpret Relate Predict Rate Select

22  The infant will pull the cover off of an object that has been hidden 2 out of 3 times. ( 6.1.b)  The toddler will point to big/little objects when named by the teacher 3 out of 4 times. (6.1.c.)  The preschooler will recreate an auditory pattern through hand claps, foot taps, and leg flaps 7 out of 10 times. (3.12)

23  The condition identifies actions, materials and/or tools that will be accessible to the learner while his/her performance is evaluated.  This should be explicitly stated in your objective.  The condition should be the assessment used to evaluate learners.

24  The infant will respond to their name by turning their head 2 out of 3 times. (1.2.B)  The toddler will respond to verbal communication by following one step directions 3 out of 4 times. (4.3.C)  The preschooler will make appropriate predictions of whether objects can sink/float 8 out of 10 times. (3.23)

25  The degree is the level of proficiency required to indicate successful completion of the objective.  This should be explicitly stated in your objective.  Typically, you should not require your learners to be perfect to complete an objective, as this sets them up for failure.  Examples:  2 out of 3 (66%)  3 out of 4 (75%)  9 out of 10 times (90%)

26  The Arkansas Frameworks uses the following terms:  Not yet – (0 – 30 %) – 3 or less than out of 10  Emerging – (31 -69%) – 4 through 6 times out of 10  Consistently – (7 0 – 100%) – 7 through 10 times out of 10

27  The infant will reach for toys and/or objects when placed within reach 2 out 3 times. (5.2.A)  The toddler will respond to the cries of another child by patting/hugging the child as an expression of concern 3 out of 4 times. (3.3.C)  The preschooler will demonstrate independence by washing hands correctly without assistance 8 out of 10 times. (1.2)

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