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Force, Motion, Dynamics, and Fluids.  A system of objects that are not moving with respect to one another. Used to determine the motion of an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Force, Motion, Dynamics, and Fluids.  A system of objects that are not moving with respect to one another. Used to determine the motion of an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Force, Motion, Dynamics, and Fluids

2  A system of objects that are not moving with respect to one another. Used to determine the motion of an object.  Frame of Reference

3  If you were measuring the length of a lunch tray you would most likely label it with the following unit.  Centimeters (cm)

4  What would be the displacement in the following illustration.  4 km to the east.

5  What is the difference between speed and velocity?  Velocity includes the direction and the speed.

6  If you were to determine your average speed for a trip to the grocery, what information would you need to do this calculation?  Total Distance and Total Time.

7  What type of motion can be determined from the following graph?  Constant low speed.

8  What is happening with this objects motion from point A to point B?  The object is slowing down.

9  What is the only force acting on an object that is in free fall?  Gravity (9.8 m/s 2 )

10  An object is said to accelerate if it has a change in either its ___________ or ______________.  Speed or Direction.

11  In the formula for acceleration what does the variable V i stand for?  Initial Velocity.  Acceleration = V f – V i / t

12  When a falling object reaches balanced forces between gravity and air resistance the object is said to have reached ________________.  Terminal Velocity.

13  What does the following graph illustrate about the objects motion?  Constant speed.

14  The following graph shows…  Negative acceleration.

15  Any push or pull is considered a __________.  Force.

16  Force is measured in what SI unit of measure?  Newtons. (N)

17  If an object experiences an unbalanced force the object will __________________.  Accelerate.

18  What is the net force acting on the object?  4 (N) to the right.

19  What force is acting in the opposite direction of the motion?  Sliding Friction.

20  The type of friction that is the most difficult to overcome.  Static Friction.

21  What force is acting in the opposite direction of gravity?  Normal Force.

22  What is the shape produced by an object experiencing projectile motion?  Parabola.

23  Newton’s 1 st Law is often referred to as the Law of _____________.  Inertia.

24  Newton’s 2 nd Law of motion determines the force on an object is equal to multiplying the objects _____________ and _____________.  Mass and Acceleration.

25  When traveling to the moon which measurement would change, mass or weight, and why?  Weight, there is less gravity on the moon.

26  Which two objects would have the greatest gravitational pull?  B (mass and distance)

27  What is the reaction force in the following illustration?  Football hitting the foot.

28  Which object is experiencing the most pressure?  C (increases with depth)

29  What University did Isaac Newton attend?  Cambridge University.

30  What is the main purpose of a hydraulic system?  Multiply Force.

31  The faster moving air on top of the wing creates what type of pressure?  Lower Pressure.

32  What force is working in the opposite direction of gravity?  Buoyancy.

33 A force is a magnitude that gives both ______________ and _____________. Magnitude and Direction.

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