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By: Katherine Chau, Carolyn Chu, Faisal Khan, Elise Richieri, Tiffany Young.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Katherine Chau, Carolyn Chu, Faisal Khan, Elise Richieri, Tiffany Young."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Katherine Chau, Carolyn Chu, Faisal Khan, Elise Richieri, Tiffany Young

2  Assess  Determine  Make recommendations

3  Research other UC’s  Survey  Information why transfer students don’t choose Davis  Analysis  Recommend


5  Overall increasing demand 2003-2007.  Guaranteed transfer student housing for 2008-2009  All transfer housing costs is equal to freshmen housing costs  Social events and either residence advisors or coordinators

6  Where do transfer students rank “quality and availability of on-campus housing” among a list of characteristics used in college selection? ◦ Non-enrolling admits: 14 out of 22 (College Choice Survey, SARI, summer 2007, n=78) ◦ Enrolling admits: 21 out of 22 (Incoming Student Survey, SARI, summer 2007, n=620)

7 Incoming Transfer Students Incoming Student Survey, SARI, summer 2007

8 1. As an incoming transfer student, would you have been interested in guaranteed university-sponsored housing? o Yes, apartment styles o Yes, residence hall/suite style o Yes, either apartment style or residence hall/suite style o No o I’m not a transfer student


10 1. As an incoming transfer student, would you have been interested in guaranteed university-sponsored housing? o Yes, apartment styles o Yes, residence hall/suite style o Yes, either apartment style or residence hall/suite style o No o I’m not a transfer student

11 Check your preference of programs and living situations  Single occupancy  Double occupancy (less expensive)  Triple occupancy (least expensive)  Meal plan  Resident advisor  Organized social events  Willing to pay higher than non-university sponsored housing


13 1. As an incoming transfer student, would you have been interested in guaranteed university-sponsored housing? o Yes, apartment styles o Yes, residence hall/suite style o Yes, either apartment style or residence hall/suite style o No o I’m not a transfer student

14 Number of responsesReason 33 Already live nearby or are staying with people who live nearby 12Too expensive 10Don’t like regulations of dorms 7Want to live off campus 5Own a pet 4Long distance commuters 4Want to live in a house 3Married 2Want to live alone Reasons why transfer students did not want University Housing (Source: SARI Quick Survey, 2008, n=92)



17  Transfer socials  On site peer coordinator  Single and double occupancy apartments ◦ Provide housing for 20-25% of incoming transfer student class  Improve residential programming  More options for living arrangements

18  Elias Lopez  Emily Galindo  Kathy Davis  Gillian Butler  Sabrina Sewell  Joann Wilson  Nate Delaney-Busch  Contacts for other UC’s ◦ Dani Laub (Santa Barbara) ◦ Charlotte Shifflet (Riverside) ◦ Connie Malone (Irvine) ◦ Nancy Jurich (Berkeley) ◦ Mary Vasquez (Davis) ◦ Kevin Tresham & Delores Wright (Santa Cruz) ◦ Hilary Crocker (Los Angeles)

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