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 Understand basic demographics  Understand current housing accommodations ◦ Including Location  Understand desired general interest, services and amenities.

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2  Understand basic demographics  Understand current housing accommodations ◦ Including Location  Understand desired general interest, services and amenities

3  Survey was administrated between February 3-February 21  ALL students were asked to participate, no matter the interest  Survey sent to over 1732 students ◦ Received a 33% completion rate (578 students)

4  72% of respondents would be interested in some sort of LMU owned Housing. ◦ Housing would need to be designed to fit their needs which include competitive rates, personal privacy, distance away from “undergraduate experience” and flexible leasing.  Amenities would need to go beyond current campus options  Amenities and price point outweighed desire to be in graduate community.



7  78% of the respondents pay less per month compared to LMU on-campus residents  Price point should match the area market renter rates ◦ Respondents were very aware and savvy of local market when it came to cost. They would shop around and look for best deal.


9  Affordable one-bedroom and studio options would see the highest demand. ◦ Shared bedrooms would sell to students with a planned/desired roommate looking to reduce cost  Single spaces/privacy were communicated as a primary need. ◦ Approximately 75% of the respondents do not share a room with someone other than their spouse/partner or significant other.

10  The leasing structure should change compared to current on-campus operations ◦ Facility units should be sold as a unit separately. ◦ Lease should operate on 10 month basis. ◦ Deposits can be used for damage repairs and provides guarantees student will remain in contract.  Early contract release

11  International students and Out of State students indicated more interest in on/off LMU owned housing.  The target age group would be 20-27 years old and graduate program did not make a difference with interest or lack of interest in LMU owned housing


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